11/18 - 11/21

ラジオ英会話    Monday, November 18

So, Katie, what's the new situation going to be like?
Somewhere on the earth in the year 2113. The sales clerk is a robot. The language is somewhat a mixture of English and Japanese.

Wow! It's a word.   〈米話〉いいとも、いいぞ、その通り◆相手の申し出に賛同するときなど
I'm speechless.
You have to say something, Jeff.

                                • -

I'd like to exchange this all weather suits for a medium.
I'm afraid that size is currently out of stock.
Oh, what's your returns policy?
Items must be returned with the original receipt (領収 ciept) within 28 days of the purchase.
Okay. Here's my receipt (領収 ciept) on my "Kashikoi" phone. (smartphone と言おうとした)
Store credit or digit-cash?
Digit-cash, please.
Here's your "Henkin": 139 gon and 35 con.

Do you think I can do that here? "Arigatsu"...
Sure! And "Doitashi."

Well, I think we already have digit-cash, don't we?
On the smartphones?
領 ceipt.

So Ken, do you know more words like that?
Future words?
Well, I'm afraid my imagination is currently out of stock.


ラジオ英会話   Tuesday, November 19

So, Jeff, what's the new situation going to be like this time?
Oh, this time, they take the situation in stride.

                                        • -

I love these sunglasses!
You should get them, Stella.
I can't, Danny. Money is tight right now.
I'll buy them. You can pay me back later.
No, thanks. I need to tighten my belt.
The same goes for me. I maxed out my credit card.
You did?
Yeah. It lowered my credit score.

Well, life goes on. (Life goes on. = 何が起ころうとも人生は続く)
You can say that again.
Well, life goes on.
I knew you would say that.

You know, that's a good attitude or a relaxed attitude taking situations in stride.
Right. You know, I power walk these days and I walk in stride.
I think that's a little different meaning.
I think that helps me.

Are you tightening your belt?
Yeah, once in a while I have to do that. You know, it's end of the year now.
Saving up for special occasions, only may be for Christmas or something?

Yeah. How about you, Katie?
Well, you know what, I try every month, I have a strategy to put a certain amount away for savings so that I don't have to tighten my belt.
I see.
Oh, putting away for rainy days.
That's a good policy.
Yes. So I can take life in stride.
Great! How about you, Jeff?

Uh.... I always have a tight belt.
Well, that's a good policy too.
But I still buy whatever I want.
That doesn't match.
That sounds like magic to me.

So in other words, Jeff, you tighten your belt usually...
Yes. So that I can buy whatever I want later.
There you go.
That's perfect. That's almost like a magic.
I get it.

How about you, Ken?
Uh... me?
My belt is always tight.
So the same goes for you. Okay.
But my mouth is always loose.
Oh, no.

I don't know. That gives me a lot of troubles too. But I take all the troubles in stride.
Oh, that's good.
Very nice.


ラジオ英会話   Wednesday, November 20

So, Katie, what's the new satiation going to be like today?
The caller is a vacuum cleaner.

                                                          • -

I'm calling about me that they bought on sale. I'm defective.
You are? Sorry, ma'am, I repair electric apparatus not people.
I am a vacuum cleaner.
Oh, you were?
Well, that's a different story.
Could you describe the problem?
I have no suction.
Did they clean your air filter?
I'm brand-new. They bought me yesterday.
What's your model number?
All right. Come on over and we'll provide a replacement.
Thank you. You have a parking space?

I thought that model number would never end.
And she is a vacuum cleaner that drives.
I hope the car is not defective.
Yeah, that would be a problem.
Oh, no.
A double whammy. (A double whammy = 二重 三重の打撃, ダブルパンチ)


ラジオ英会話   Thursday, November 21

So Jeff, what's the new situation going to be like?
Well, this time, they're feeling a little under the weather.

                                • -

Megan! How's it going?
Well, not a hundred percent. How about you?
I'm feeling a little under the weather. Want to grab a coffee?
You bet, Larry.
Oh... ha...
You know, I couldn't find a parking space for the life of me.
I had to park eight blocks away.
Isn't that the edge of town?
Ha ha ... yeah ...ha ha...
Just to let you know ...
The lines at the cash registers are a mile long.

Want to go shopping with me?
Why not? Misery loves company.

Do you have any fond memories about Black Friday?
I never go shopping on Black Friday.
Oh, you don't.
Never. I always wait the last minute.

No. I was the same as Jeff. But last year, I decided I would try.
For the first time?
Yes. So I did Internet Black Friday shopping.
Oh, there is such a thing too.
I had the best time.
You know, what they say...
We all have problems...
But then again, we all have shopping problems too.