遠山顕のいますぐ使える英会話 2024年夏号 Dialog 9

遠山顕のいますぐ使える英会話 2024年夏号 Dialog 9

Write It!
◆ ジュンとニックは、海へ行く予定を立てているようです
F: Yes. Um... You could use "It seems" and "plan on going to the beach."
K: Okay.
F: So, for example, you could say, "It seems Jun and Nick are planning on going to the beach."
K: Got it.

◆ ……するしか手はありません
J: Well, there's actually a few ways to say this, but let's keep it simple. Let's go with, "can't help but 何々."
K: Okay.
J: So, for instance, "They can't help but hope for the best."


J: We can only hope for the best.
F: Yes.
J: Right? And I'm sure they did their best.
J: Way to go! Beautiful.

Before We Move On!
K: Idioms related to rain.
1. 万が一に備えなくては。
J: "You need to save it for a rainy day," or short, just "Save (it) for a rainy day." And that means that you save something, usually or especially money for a time when you really need it. "Save it for a rainy day."

2. 今回はパスします。
F: "I'll take a rain check."
K: Okay, rain check.
F: Yes, and it means you'll do something sometime but not now.
K: I see.
F: Uh-huh.
K: It's kind of a sports term, rain check? ... then when it rains come back for the next game or something. That's what I hear. The next one is...

3. 土砂降りです。
J: "It's raining cats and dogs."
K: Okay.
J: And that just means that it's really coming down. It's really poring.
K: I see. How about rats and hogs?

(hog = 豚)
(pig と hog の違いは?=「pig」は一般的な言葉で、小さな豚や若い豚を含む広い意味を持ちますが、「hog」は特に大きな豚や出荷される豚に焦点を当てています。)

J: No. It's always "cats and dogs," and I'm not sure why. But ... yeah.

4. (健康の不調で苦しかったが)今はすっかり元気です。
F: "I'm right as rain."
K: Wow.
F: And it means you feel healthy and well again after a while and actually it's a very British way of saying it.
K: So, you were sick for a while, and then now you feel very well again.
F: Right.
K: I see.

K: Normal as rain.
F: Well, rain or shine...
J: Keep listening.
F: Keep practicing.
K: And keep on smiling.