ラジオ英会話 5/9 - 5/13, 2022

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 21  Monday, May 9

◆ Opening
R: Hey, everyone, Akino Roza here.
C: Hi, guys, Chris McVay here. Roza, do you like my colorful socks?
R: I do. They're perfectly coordinated with your outfit.
C: Thank you.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK, guys, are you ready to practice? Now, the basic image I want you to grasp here is holding out your arm. Hold it out, stretch it and grab whatever. So, that's the basic image I want you to feel when we practice. And sometimes, it involves a selection. Stretch your arm and take whatever is there. You make the choice. So, let's practice together.

(grasp 握る、しっかりつかむ to quickly take something in your hand(s) and hold it firmly)
(grab つかみ取る、急いでつかむ to take hold of something or someone suddenly and roughly)

R: And remember, don't think in Japanese.
C: That's it. So, the first one, "take his hand."
Stretch out to that hand, stretch out, grab it, not anybody’s hand but his hand. That's the choice. Once more, "take his hand.
R: The next example is "take medicine." One more time, "take medicine."
Another one is "take this case for example." "Take this case for example."
C: And another one, "take a seat." "Take a call." "Take a test."
C: Good.
R: And for the last example, modes of transportation. "Take a taxi." "Take a bus." "Take the Yomanote line."
Another use is, "take a risk." "Take a chance."

R: Factastic!
C: Good job, guys.

◆ Ending
O: Chris, do you ever go to a restaurant without a reservation?
C: Uh.... Usually I, you know, call make a reservation. Because I have an experience being turned away because the restaurant was full. That's very embarrassing on a date, you know.
O: Yeah, it is.
R: Well, I never need a reservation because I'm so beautiful.
C: Ahem, ahem, ahem...
R: Oh, Chris, do you have something stuck in your throat?
C: Sorry, yeah, your comment.


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 22  Tuesday, May 10

◆ Opening
R: Hey, everyone. Akino Roza here.
C: Ugh... Chris McVay here. After such a lengthy introduction, I feel a little weak and I have a headache. Let's go.
R: Chris, let me take your temperature. Um, it's normal.

(lengthy 長々しい continuing for a long time)

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK, guys, it's practice time again. Now you've just seen such a wide variety of collocations with this great verb "take." So, let's look at some of them, but keep in mind the basic image. It's always stretching out to get something.
R: And remember, don't think in Japanese.
C: Let's begin. "Take your blood pressure."
Can you feel it going out? We're going to get something, get some information about your blood pressure; you take it. Also, "take your pulse."

R: The next example is "take a picture," "take a photo," "take a video."

C: OK, and the next one is more straight forward, "take my wallet."
C: Someone is stretching out and getting your wa(llet), "Oh! Stop, stop! It's my wallet." But the word, the verb "take" is perfect here. "Take my wallet." Try that again.
R: And this last one is a little bit more abstract, but the same basic image applies here, "take a break."
One last time, "take a break."
R: Perfect guys.
C: Brilliant.

◆ Ending
O: He, guys, do you use Celsius or Fahrenheit?
C: Well, I should use Fahrenheit being a Brit, but nowadays I use Celsius. But I have to say my two brothers complain if I say anything in Celsius, they don't get it. How about you, Roza?

(Brit = a British person)

R: Well, the US uses Fahrenheit, of course. But when I'm here I only think in Celsius. And I think you shouldn't worry about it too much. The best thing to do is just to think about "In Celsius, this is the comfortable temperature." "In Fahrenheit, this is the comfortable temperature." So, that's kind of an easy way to think about it, I think.


華氏 (Fahrenheit) を使う代表的な国

摂氏 (Celsius) を使う代表的な国

カナダ、シンガポールなどは、 華氏、摂氏を両方使う

98.5℉ = 36.9℃
100℉ = 37.7℃
68℉ = 20℃
50℉ = 10℃
32℉ = 0℃


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 23  Wednesday, May 11

◆ Opening
R: Hey, everyone, Akino Roza here.
C: Chris McVay here. Look, from now on, I advise you two to think more carefully about the opening to this program, OK?
O: What's your sign by the way?
C: Oh, my sign ... Scorpio.
O: Right.

◆ Right after the Japanese translation part
R: Hey, listeners, I advise you to get the Rajio Eikaiwa textbook and check it carefully during each lesson.
O: I'll take your advice.
C: Great.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK guys, "take" -- such an interesting verb, right? So, let's continue our practice. Remember, the basic image is stretch out. Stretch out... Why to stretch out? Why should you stretch out? -- in order to get something. That's natural, isn't it? So, to get something or to accept something.

R: And the point here is to not think in Japanese. Be sure to just feel the nuance of the word instead.
C: OK, here we go, "take an offer," "take a job," "take responsibility," "take the consequences."
R: Next example, "Don't take it the wrong way."
One more time, "Don't take it the wrong way."
C: OK, and another one, "I can't take it anymore."
OK, let's have a bit of emotion this time, "I can't take it anymore."
R: Now, in this last example, you can really feel the nuance of acceptance. "This room can take 250 people."
You see that acceptance feeling there? One last time, "This room can take 250 people."

R: Excellent work.
C: Yeah, I'm sure you can take more. Enjoy!

◆ Ending
O: Hmm... "Don't take him seriously. He's always joking." Are you talking about me?
C: Actually, I was gonna (going to) ask you, "Are you talking about me?"
R: You know, I have something to add, actually.
C: Uh-uh.
O: What's that?
R: Ohnishi-sensei is always joking but he is rarely funny.


3/21~4/19 Aries (エリース) 牡羊座
not afraid to take risks and take on challenges (リスクを恐れずチャレンジする)

4/20〜5/20 Taurus (トーラス) 牡牛座
persist to the end / foodie (粘り強い / 食通が多い)

5/21〜6/21 Gemini (ジェミナイ) 双子座
quick-thinking, curious and optimistic (頭の回転が早く、好奇心旺盛で楽観的)

6/22〜7/22 Cancer (キャンサー)  蟹座
put the other person before yourself (自分より相手を優先する)

7/23〜8/22 Leo (リオ) 獅子座
bright and positive (明るくてポジティブ)

8/23〜9/22 Virgo (ヴァーゴ) 乙女座
realistic and hardworking 現実主義で努力家

9/23〜10/23 Libra (リブラ) 天秤座
intellectual, sociable and cheerful (知的、社交的、陽気)

10/24〜11/22 Scorpio (スコーピオ) 蠍座
enthusiastic about something (何かひとつのことに熱中する)

11/23〜12/21 Sagittarius (サジタリアス) 射手座
energetic and active (エネルギッシュで行動力がある)

12/22〜1/19 Capricorn (キャプリコーン) 山羊座
value own individuality / optimistic and playful (個性を大切にする / 楽観的で遊び心がある)

1/20〜2/18 Aquarius (アクエリアス) 水瓶座
self-reliant, clever, exceptional, and optimistic (自立的で、賢く、例外的で、楽観的)

2/19〜3/20 Pisces (パイシース) 魚座
enormous depths of compassion and empathy for others (他者への思いやりや共感が深い)


 ↑ ↑ 上記のサイトを参考にさせていただきました。ありがとうございます。


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 24  Thursday, May 12

◆ Opening
R: Akino Roza here.
C: Chris McVay here. Hmm... That story sounds a bit fishy to me.
R: Nice one, Chris.

(fishy 怪しい,いかがわしい,うさんくさい seeming dishonest or false)

◆ Right after the Japanese translation part
C: Well, you know, our textbook is kind of a gourmet language textbook. It's well worth checking out.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK, guys, we're gonna (going to) continue our practice of the verb "take." And I hope you will notice the logical flow up to now.

(logical flow 倫理的な流れ)

One; the basic image, stretch out. Two; why stretch out? -- to get something, to accept something. And today's focus -- Why get something? --- in order to use it, of course. So, let's focus on that in order to use it, of course. That sort of image while we practice. Are you ready? "Take care of."

C: And the same way of thinking for this one, "take advantage of." Try that one.

R: In the next examples, you can really feel the nuance of the verb "use," "take time," "take money," "take courage," "take an expert”.
Did you feel the verb "use"?
C: OK, moving on. "How long does it take to walk there?"
So, you need time. You take the time whatever time necessary to walk there. One more time, "How long does it take to walk there?"
R: And another example of time. "It took me two hours to finish this report."
So, you used up to two hours, right? Let's try again. "It took me two hours to finish this report."

R: Excellent.
C: Great. Well done. It didn't take us too long to do that practice, right?
R: Not at all.

◆ Ending
O: Roza, it takes courage to ride a horse, right?
R: Well, to ride a horse, maybe not, but to gallop on a horse, definitely.
C: And to gallop on a horse while not holding the reins but rather holding a bow and arrow... wow... that takes courage.

(rein  (手綱{たづな} a long, thin piece of material, especially leather, that helps you to control and direct a horse)


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 25  Friday, May 13

◆ Opening
R: Hey, everyone, ah… Akino Roza です
C: Hi everyone. Chris McVay here. Everyone is strange this morning. I don’t know what’s happening. Ah… McVay … um, no good.
R: That was really quiet.

◆ Ending
O: Hey, Roza, you work as a model and do photography too, right?
R: That's right.
O: Any tips?
R: Sure, well, I have a couple of tips for photography. One thing that beginners often do is they put the subject in the middle of the flame. So, I would suggest to offset the subject from the middle. That will give a little bit more even artistic photo. Also, I suggest following photographers whose photos you like and of course, practice, practice, practice.