6/21 - 6/23, 2021

遠山顕の英会話楽習 Monday, June 21

K: He sounds young but he seems to have quite a career already.
C: Yeah, indeed. Pretty impressive.

U R the ★
C: Nice work.
J: Wow!
KCJ: Impressive!

C: Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
C: You are the star.
J: All right.

C: You know a lot about old movies.
J: I grew up with movies.
C: You did.
J: Yes, I saw one or two a week.
C: Wow! So, can you recommend any good ones?
J: Oh, yes. Do you have an hour or two?
C: I do, actually.

Say It!
K: How about five times in one breath, Jeff?
C: Impress us, Jeff.
J: There she goes again, Ken, putting the pressure on me.
K: I know, Jeff. But I think that's a nice pressure, in a way.
J: Well, I will try to impress both of you.
K: And the whole world.
J: And all of our listeners as well. Right.
K: Great.

J: That's impressive. ×5

K: My goodness. That was impressive.
J: Thank you.

C: Hey!
J: Wow!
KCJ: That was really impressive.

Write It!
★ 男性が……の採用面接を受けています
C: Yeah, that's kind of the right idea but actually in this situation that we're describing it as it's happening, right?
K: Uh-huh. It's happening.
C: Yeah, so let's use the present progressive here and write "is having."
K: OK.
C: So, it'll be "a man is having an interview."
K: Right.
C: But we wanna add more information. Um... We want to say what the interview is about. So, let's put the word "for" after the word "interview."
K: OK.
C: And it'll be "A man is having an interview for a 何々 job."

★ 大変立派な経歴の持ち主です
J: Well, there's a couple of ways we can say. One, I think, everyone is familiar with "background."
J: And the other way is "resume."
J: Uh-huh. So, it would be "have a very impressive background," or "have a very impressive resume."

C: A man is having an interview for a dog sitting job. He is a certified dog trainer and has a very impressive background.

J: A man is having an interview for a dog sitting job. He is a certified dog trainer and has a very impressive resume.

J: They always do.
C: Absolutely. Nice work.
K: All right.
J: Good job.

In Another Situation!
K: So, Carolyn...
C: Yes?
K: What's another situation gonna (going to) be like?
C: Well, now, the man is a horse trainer.

W: How did you get into the horse training business?
M: I grew up with horses. My parents used to have horses on their ranch.

(ranch 大牧場、放牧場 a large farm, especially in North America or Australia, where cattle or other animals are bred)

W: I see.
M: When I was in high school, my summer job was working at a horse-riding camp.
W: So, you have a good understanding of horses.
M: Yes, I went to horse training school. I'm a certified horse trainer.
W: That's impressive.
M: Thanks. By the way, what a nice neighborhood you live in.
W: Stop horsing around.

(neigh 馬の鳴き声)
(horse around ばかげた遊びに興じる/ふざける)


K: So that joke wasn't all that impressive there.
C: No.
J: No, not so impressive.
K: Maybe next time. Right.


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Tuesday, June 22

U R the ★
J: All right.
C: Fantastic!
KCJ: You are an Eikawa Gakushu artist.

J: All right, Carolyn...
C: Yes.
J: You are the star.
C: Sounds good.

C: Kitty loves the outdoors.
J: Okay.
C: And she's an escape artist.
J: I'll keep an eye on her.
C: Oh! Aw... There she goes!
J: Oops!

Say It!
K: That was a long pose.
K: That was a lot of drama there.
C: I'm here for the drama.
K: Great. So, Jeff, are you ready?
J: Poof!
K: What happened?
C: He disappeared.
K: Oh, my.
J: Ta-da! I'm back.
K: Okay. Now, that's more like it.
C: Can't escape this one.
K: No.
J: Okay.

J: Poof -- he disappears. ×5
K: You did it. Okay.

J: Wow!
C: Nice.
KCJ: That was perfect.

Write It!
★ 男性は……だと言われます
J: Well, we're going to use the verb "tell" here.
K: Uh-huh.
J: But we're going to use the passive form because someone is telling him or someone has already told him. So, the pattern would be "the man is told that 何々."

★ ディガーは……することも大好きで
C: Sounds great to me.
K: All right.
C: So, it'd be "Digger loves to play fetch, too."
K: All right.
C: But we can also use the word "also." But be careful where you put the word in the sentence.
K: Where does it go?
C: I would suggest putting it before the verb. So, for that situation, it'll be "Digger also loves to play fetch."

★ それは男性が知っておくと良いことです
K: good to know という表現が……
J: Right, in the dialog. Uh-huh.
J: So the sentence is "It's good to know."
K: Uh-huh.
J: And we want to explain for whom or who it's good for. So the sentence would be, "It's good for the man to know."
K: Got it.

J: The man is told that Digger is an escape artist. Digger loves to play fetch, too and it's good for the man to know.

C: The man is told that Digger is an escape artist. Digger also loves to play fetch and it's good for the man to know.

J: They always do.
C: Absolutely. Nice work.
J: Good job.

In Another Situation!
K: So, Jeff....
J: Uh-huh.
K: What's another situation going to be like this time?
J: Well, this time, two magicians are trying to spoil their rival's show.

W: The first thing I need to tell you is that Gero the magician is an escape artist.
M: Okay.
W: Keep an eye on him.
M: I won't let him out of my sight.
W: As soon as he starts talking to the audience, he hypnotizes everyone then – poof – he's gone when they wake up.

(hypnotize 催眠術をかける If someone hypnotizes you, they put you into a state in which you seem to be asleep but can still see, hear, or respond to things said to you.)

M: So that’s his trick. What’s Gero's favorite food?
W: Besides borscht, he loves hotdogs.
M: Oh. I’ll keep eating hotdogs to distract him.
W: Oh, good idea. Hope you can eat a lot of hotdogs.
M: Hey, I’m the hotdog eating champion back home.

(back home 出身国では、自国では)

K: So, you'll be eating hotdogs?
J: I love hotdogs.
K: Because this rival of yours ...
J: He loves hotdogs too. And it will be a distraction.
C: So, his trick will fail.
J: That's right.

K: Well, that's about it for today.
CJ: Poof!
K: Well, come back you guys. So until next time…
CJ: Ta-da!
J: Keep listening.
C: Keep practicing.
K: And keep on smiling there.


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Wednesday, June 23

C: Wow!
J: One of my favorites.
C: Great song.
K: Very powerful. My goodness.
J: Yes. He's got great vocals.

J: All do my best.
K: All right.

J: All three of us… together.
K: Are you ready, Carolyn?
C: You bet.
J: And our listeners as well.
C: Of course.

C: That was wonderful.
K: Oh, yeah. Really well done.
J: It doesn’t sound as good as an electric guitar, but it’s okay.
C: It was more than OK. It was awesome.