11/30 - 12/1

遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, November 30

Words & Expressions
K: Carolyn, what's our dress code like?
C: Hmm... That's a good question... very casual.
J: Casual.
K: All right.

U R the ★
C: Yeah.
J: All right.

KCJ: Excellent!

J: All right, Carolyn. You are the star.
C: Great!

C: Do you see anything you like?
J: I like these hoodies.

(hoodie = パーカー a hooded sweatshirt, jacket, or other top)
(パーカーは、もともと、アラスカに住んでいた民族のイヌイットが着ていた防寒用の衣服が起源だと言われています。 当時の防寒服は、アザラシやトナカイなどの動物の毛皮が使われていました。 この「パーカ(parka)」という言葉も、イヌイットの民族の言葉で、「動物の毛皮」という意味から来ています。)

C: Hm... They are nice.
J: How about you?
C: I like those sweats over there.

(sweats = sweatpants, a sweatshirt, or both of these、トレーナー)
(日本で言われる“トレーナー”は、ヴァンヂャケット(VAN)の創業者である石津謙介氏が命名した名前で、スポーツコーチをしているトレーナーがスウェットシャツを着ていたことから由来したと言われている。 ちなみに、トップスは「sweatshirt」、ボトムスは「sweatpants」という。)

J: Hey, let's go check them out.

Say It!
K: Jeff, are you ready for saying it five times in one breath?
J: How about asking someone else?
K: How about going somewhere else? No, no, no, just kidding. Yeah, I'm sure you can do it. Let's hear it.
J: OK.

J: How about going somewhere else? ×5
K: See, I told you. You can do it.

C: Nice.
KCJ: That was something else.

Write It!
★ ……は……を探してウインドーショッピングをしています
K: 動詞で window-shop でよろしいですか?
J: Yes. Uh-huh. And the pattern would be "誰々 are," because they are two of them in this particular example. "誰々 are window-shopping for 何々."
J: John and Machi are window-shopping for work clothes for John.

★ ジョンはそのフランネルシャツが気に入ります
K: John likes flannel shirts. でよろしいですか?
C: Well, I mean, that's fine in the general sense if we were talking that Jhon likes these shirts. But, here, we are talking about this specific shirt that they see in the window. So we want to add the word "the." So I would recommend writing "John likes the flannel shirts."

★ ……することにします
J: There are actually two ways of saying this. One would be "They decide to 何々."
K: OK.
J: And the other way is "They are going to 何々." Either way is fine.

C: John and Machi are window-shopping for work clothes for John. John likes the flannel shirts but they are overpriced. They decide to go somewhere else.

J: John and Machi are window-shopping for work clothes for John. John likes the flannel shirts but their price is too high. They are going to go somewhere else.

C: I bet you did great.
J: I bed they did too.
K: All right.

In Another Situation!
K: So Carolyn.
C: Uh-huh.
K: What's another situation going to be like?
C: Well, now, they are looking for a space suit at a shopping mall on the moon.

M: Do you see anything you like?
J: I like those Aloha space suits.
M: You might want to dress up a little more for working on Mars.
J: The dress code at work is casual.
M: I see. Let's go in and take a look around.
J: Oh. The Aloha space suits are overpriced. I don't like the logo on the helmet either.
M: I'll say. How about going somewhere else?
J: Okay. I thought shopping on the moon would be easy.
M: Well, you can't beat the space station, can you?

(You can't beat = ~に勝るものはない、つまり「~は最高だ!」)

J: Yeah, they have more stuff.

K: Where is he going to work?
C: On Mars, I believe.
J: Yeah.


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Tuesday, December 1

K: So they introduce themselves when they serve people.
C: Yeah, sometimes.
J: Yeah, sometimes.
K: Do you have to say, "Hi, I'm Ken," or something?
C: I don't think I usually do.
J: No, I never say my name.

U R the ★
KCJ: Very nice.

C: Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
C: You are the star.
J: Got it.

C: What's Ken's size?
J: I think he's an L.
C: How about getting this T-shirt for him?
J: Nice.
C: Yeah. I bet he'll love it.
J: I think so too.

Say It!
K: Jeff, are you ready saying it five times in one breath?
J: I'll try.
K: All right.

J: Do you want to try one on? ×5

KCJ: Right on.

Write It!
★ ジョンのサイズはMです
J: There are two ways of saying this. One is "John is an M."
K: OK.
J: And the other one is "John's size is an M."

★ AがBにCを見つけてやる
C: Well, there are two patterns I'd suggest using here.
K: Uh-huh.
C: The fast pattern is A finds B, C, where A is Machi, B is him, which is John, in this case. And C is some shirts. So it would be, "Machi finds him some shirts." That's the first pattern.
K: Got it.
C: And there is another pattern we can use where we just switch B and C around. And it is A finds C for B. Here, it's, "Machi finds some shirs for him."
K: Right.
C: Either pattern is fine.
K: Great.

★ XはYするところです
J: It's pretty simple. It would go, "X is going to Y."
K: OK.
J: So, in this case is, "John is going to try one on."

★ ……がやって来ます
K: これは comes でよろしいですかね?
C: Yeah, I mean, I'm suggesting "comes up" here.
C: And we want to say who is coming up to who. So, it'll be "a sales associate comes up to them."

J: John is an M. Machi finds him some shirts and John is going to try one on. A sales associate comes up to them.

C: John's size is an M. Machi finds some shirs for him and John is going to try one on. A sales associate comes up to them.

J: I'm sure they did.
C: Oh, yeah.
K: All right.
J: Well done.

In Another Situation!
K: So, Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
K: What's another situation going to be like this time?
J: Well, continuing with our story, they are shopping at the mall on the moon.

M: What's your size?
J: I'm an M.
M: These space suites are 50 percent off! Do you wanna (want to) try one on?
J: Sure.
M: This pale blue shirt would look good on you.
J: How much can it be reduced?
M: 75 percent.
J: Great. Easy to carry.
M: Oh. Here comes a sales associate.
D: Hey, my name is OB3 Daniel. Let me know if I can help you with anything.
J: Where is the fitting room, OB3?
D: Let me holograph it. Here you are.

(holograph = 〔画像を〕ホログラフィー(holography)で作り出す)

MJ: Nice.
K: Wow!
J: Oh, I'm speechless.
C: I wanna (want to) shop there.
K: That sales associate seems like an alien.
J: He does.
K: His name is ... what ... OB something, right?
J: Yeah.
K: Wow.
J: OB Daniel.
C: So familiar sounding name.