11/2 - 11/3, 2020

遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, November 2

J: Kind of a word play.

U R the ★
C: Hey.
J: All right.
KCJ: Excellent.

C: Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
C: You are the star.
J: All right.

C: So I press the Control and S keys.
J: That's right.
C: These keys, right?
J: Right. Now press them and you're done.
C: Oh, that wasn't too difficult.
J: Piece of cake.

Say It!
K: Jeff, are you ready five times in one breath?
J: All right. I'll try it.

J: Is this homemade dashi? ×5
K: You did it. My goodness.

J: All right.
C: Great.
KCJ: And you're done. Good work.

Write It!
★ ……に……の作り方を見せる
J: Yes, the pattern is "show 誰々 how to make 何々." So, in this case, "Koji shows his friend how to make miso soup."

★ ……を味見する
C: Well, we can write this using just one word, which is "sample."
C: So, it'll be "sample 何々."

Koji shows his friend how to make miso soup. She samples it and tells him it's very tasty. That makes him so happy.

J: I bet they did great.
C: I bet so too. Right on!
K: All right.

In Another Situation!
K: So Carolyn, what's another situation gonna (going to) be like?
C: Well, now Koji is showing how to make instant miso soup.

W: Do we need to bring the dashi broth to a simmer?
K: No.
W: What is this?
K: It's a store-bought instant miso soup. It saves time.
W: Great.
K: There is no need to do anything. Just put this freeze-dried miso soup in a bowl.
W: Then add hot water?
K: Uh-huh. It's a great time saver.
W: That makes me so happy.

K: That was nice and short.
C: Yeah.
J: Yes.
K: And I think we're done too.
J: I think we're done.
C: All right.


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Tuesday, November 3

J: Kind of a pun. Or you could say, "No sweater."

Words & Expressions
J: Yeah, some people say "ta-well" but I don't think we should ...
C: No.
J: Towel is fine.
C: Yeah, towel.
K: Well, that's not a good idea.

U R the ★
J: All right.
C: Yeah.
KCJ: You made it.

C: Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
C: You are the star.
J: Got it.

C: Is your friend here yet?
J: Not yet.
C: I hope she'll make it.
J: Okay. I'll call her.
C: Tell her to hurry up.
J: I will.

Say It!
K: Jeff, are you ready five times in one breath?
J: Yeah, I'll try with a little rhythm.
K: All right.

J: Wash it by hand with a little detergent. ×5
K: You did it.

KCJ: Here's a big hand for you.

(big hand = 大きな拍手、盛大な拍手 clap your hands loudly and enthusiastically)

Write It!
★ XにYするようアドバイスする
J: The pattern is advise誰々 to 何々.
K: Okay.
J: And remember this is "advise (アドヴァイズ)" with the "z." It's not "advice." It's the verb not the noun.

★ 洗濯機で洗う
C: And it's called a washing machine, right?
K: Right.
C: But we can make a little bit easier. We also use "washer" when we refer to washing machine. So the two words we want to use here a "wash" and a "washer." Pretty easy, right?
K: Yeah.
C: So it's "wash in the washer."
K: I see.
C: And conversely, if you use a dryer, it would be "dry in the dryer."

(conversely = 逆に言うと in an opposite way)

★ 彼は……も教わります
J: Well, we are going to use the word "learn." So the pattern is "He learns 何々 to."

A mother advises her homestay student to wash his sweater by hand, not in the washer. He learns how to get the water out, too.

C: Good job!
J: I bet they did. Yeah. I'm sure they did.
K: All right.

In Another Situation!
K: So Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
K: What's another situation gonna (going to) be like today?
J: Well, this time, the student just put a flannel shirt in the washer.

M: You could damage your flannel shirt if you machine-wash it.
S: Yeah?
M: Wash it by hand.
S: Okay. I'll wash it in the sink. How do you get the water out?
M: Wring it out and lay it flat to dry.

(wring out = 絞るか、または押すことによって、液体を抽出する)

S: Can I tumble dry it?
M: That's a flan no.
S: What? Fla...?
M: A flat no.
S: Fla ... Ah! Ha ha ha ha!

(say a flat no = 素っ気なく駄目、ノーと言う)

K: So flat no.
C: Yeah, or "flano."
K: Flano. Oh….

J: I think he flannelly got it right.

(flannelly フランネル製の、話し声が不明瞭な)

C: Oh!
J: Ouch.
K: You mean finally, flannelly... Oh, my goodness.
J: Yes, finally.
K: OK. I'll keep that in mind. Maybe use it sometime.
J: It's okay. We don't have to.
K: ... with your permission.