10/5 - 10/7, 2020

遠山顕の英会話楽習    Monday, October 5

C: Hmm...
K: They're not being friendly at all.
J: Still a little unprofessional.
C: Oh, yeah.
K: Very unprofessional I should say.

U R the ★
J: All right.
C: Yeah.
KCJ: Outstanding!
C: Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
C: You are the star.
J: Got it.

C: How was the party?
J: Well, Jack said something terrible to Jill.
C: Oh?
J: He was out of line, but he apologized.
C: Wow. I'm glad I wasn't there.

Say It!
K: Carolyn, are you ready five times in one breath?
C: Absolutely.

C: Did you fill out the questionnaire? ×5

K: You did it. Wow. Hands down.

(hands down = わけなく、楽勝 to win very easily)

J: All right.
C: Whoo-hoo!
J: Yeah.
KCJ: You are at the top of the list.

Write It!
★ ……と言ってジェシカに謝罪します
C: Well, Ken, there are two ways I'd recommend writing this.
K: OK.
C: For the first way, I'd follow the Japanese word order. So it'll be someone says something and then apologizes. So, in this case, it'll be "says 何々 and apologizes to Jessica."
K: OK.
C: And then, for the second way, I guess, we're gonna (going to) kind of reverse the order where the apology comes first. So someone apologizes and then says something.
K: Oh, OK.
C: So, in this case, it'll be "apologizes to Jessica saying 何々."

★ そのあと
J: Very simple, "then."

C: Yeah, the pattern I'd recommend using here is "agree to do 何々."
K: OK.
C: So in this case, it'll be "Jessica agrees to 何々."
K: OK.

★ すぐに
K: Yes, Ken, I am going to answer you right away.
K: OK.
J: And that's the answer, "Right away!"

C: Mike says he was out of line and apologizes to Jessica. Then Jessica agrees to fill out the questionnaire right away.

J: Mike apologizes to Jessica saying he was out of line. Then Jessica agrees to fill out the questionnaire right away.

J: I think so.
C: Yeah.
J: I bet they did.
C: Great work.

In Another Situation!
K: So Carolyn...
C: Uh-huh.
K: What's another situation going to be like?
C: Well, once again, this conversation takes place at Sloth & Company.

J: I never talk behind anyone's back. You betrayed my trust!
M: Yeah. I was out of line. Sorry.
J: Well, now what?
M: Did you fill out the questionnaire?
J: Not yet. What's the hurry?
M: It's due today. Mr. Sloth wants to see if we can work things out on our own.
J: Oh, let him wait. I'll get on it one of these days.
M: That's the spirit.

K: One of these days is none of these days.


遠山顕の英会話楽習    Tuesday, October 6

(congenial = 人当たりが良い pleasant, delightful, friendly)
(conscientious = 誠実な、丁寧、念入り putting a lot of effort into your work, feeling a moral responsibility to do your work carefully and to be fair to others, serious about your work and putting a lot of effort into doing it in a careful way)

U R the ★
J: All right.
C: Yeah.
KCJ: Very well done.

C: Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
C: You are the star.
J: All right.

C: The BZB report is due next week.
J: How about the BZS?
C: It's due tomorrow.
J: Let's get the BZS over with.
C: (sigh) I guess you are right.

Say It!
K: Carolyn-san.
C: Yes.
K: Are you ready?
C: Yeah, this is a short one. I think I can do it.
K: Oh, yeah, everybody loves short ones. Yeah.

C: What took you? ×5
K: Great!

J: Yeah!
C: Great!
KCJ: That took you no time.

Write It!
★ アンケートの最初の質問は……です
J: Yes, but we are also going to add "of the questionnaire" to this.
J: So the first question of the questionnaire is to name 何々.
J: Now you can also say it different way, "the first question of the questionnaire is..." You take out the "to," add a colon. And then say name 何々.

★ 彼らはお互いの答えについて反対するところはありません
C: Yeah. Those are the two negative words we want to use here. So the whole sentence is going to be "They don't disagree with each other's answer." And to me, when I hear it, I think it really means that they don't 100% agree with each other's answer.

J: The first question of the questionnaire is to name two positive traits about yourself. They don't disagree with each other's answer.

C: The first question of the questionnaire is: name two positive traits about yourself. They don't disagree with each other's answer.

J: I believe so.
C: Good work!
J: Uh-huh.

In Another Situation!
K: So Jeff...
J: Uh-uh.
K: What's another situation gonna (going to) be like this time?
J: Can you guess?
K: I think I can, but let's hear it.
J: This conversation takes place at Sloth & Company as well.

M: What's come over you? It's only been two days.
J: I got interested. It happens once in a blue moon.

(once in a blue moon = ごくまれに、めったにない not very often, rarely)

M: I got interested. Ha! All right. Let's get this over with.
J: Okay, the first question is to name two positive traits about yourself.

(trait = 〔人の性格の〕特徴、特質 a distinguishing quality or characteristic, typically one belonging to a person)

M: You go first.
J: All right. I am disagreeable and imperfect in every way.

(disagreeable = 不愉快な unpleasant or unenjoyable, unattractive)

M: Good. I agree.
J: Your turn.
M: I am unreliable and dishonest.
J: Right on. I don't disagree with that.
M: Fair enough.
J: Little wonder we are the hopes and dreams of our company.

(little wonder = さほど不思議ではない no wonder)

M: Ugh... can't help it.

K: They are incorrigible.

(incorrigible = 救い難い、手に負えない bad and impossible to change or improve)

K: Well, let's get this over with now.

Examples of personal positive qualities:
kind, gentle, strong, resilient(すぐに立ち直る), caring(思いやる), hard-working, reliable, honest, responsible, loyal, mature, creative, consistent(一貫性がある), appreciative, capable, patient, thoughtful, fit, trustworthy, motivated(やる気がある), versatile(多才)


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Wednesday, October 7

★ Question 1
What is this commercial about?

J: Right. What is this commercial about?
K: Carolyn, did you happen to catch the answer?
C: Yes, indeed.
K: Let's hear it.
C: The Early Bird Sale at Margaret's Department Store.

K: So this Early Bird Sale means? … early morning sale.
C: Early morning.
J: Early morning.
K: All right.
C: Yeah. What about ...? Maybe 9 o'clock, 8 o'clock... 6 o'clock.
J: Six.
K: Not 4 or 5 or?
J: I hope not.
C: That's really early morning.
K: So, the lady says that she is going to the Early Bird Sale.
J: Yeah.
C: Yeah.
J: And the man wakes up and he says, "Where are you going so early?" And when she tells him, he says, "Well, I need a couple of T-shirts."
C: And then what did she say? "T-shirts are on sale," right?
J: Right.
C: Uh... graphic T-shirts are on sale.
K: Oh.

C: How much were they? Do you remember the price?
J: So $40.99 (forty ninety-nine) for two.
C: Hmm...
J: About $20 (twenty dollars) a piece plus tax?
C: Not bad.

★ Question 2
How much are the men's floral print button-down shirts?

K: Thank you, birdies.

(birdie = 鳥さん、小鳥さん  a word meaning a little bird)

K: Back to the question.
C: OK. How much are the men's floral print button-down shirts?
K: Jeff, did you happen to catch the right answer for this?
J: I did.
K: Let's hear it.
J: $30.99 (thirty ninety-nine).

J: So in the first part, he says, "I need a couple of T-shirts."
C: Yeah.
J: And then she tells him that they are on sale.
K: Uh-huh.
J: And then he says, "I need a shirt too. I need another regular shirt too."
C: He keeps escalating.
J: Yeah.
C: He wants more and more.
K: Oh, yeah.
J: So, she tells him that the floral print button-down shirts are $30.99 (thirty ninety-nine). They’re 30.99 (thirty dollars ninety-nine cents)
K: OK. There you go.
J: And then he asks...
C: Well, do they have anything else besides ...
J: Besides the floral prints.
C: Is it because he doesn't want the floral print button-down shirts?
J: Um... I think he probably just wants a variety, maybe.
C: Ah… That's a good point.
J: Hmm... Yeah.
K: Maybe he had to say that for the commercial.
C: That might be as well.
J: And she says, "Hey, just come and see yourself."
K: Yeah. And there they go.

★ Question 3
When does the sale begin?

K: Back to the question?
J: Right. When does the sale begin?

K: Carolyn, did you happen to catch the answer for this?
C: Yes. On Tuesday at 8 a.m.

J: Hmm...
C: That's early.
J: Eight… That's not too bad. But why not 7 or 6?
K: Yeah, birds wake up even earlier than that.
C: See you later.
J: Maybe they thought if it was too early nobody would come until ... I don't know.
K: Yeah, until 8 or 9 or whatever.

K: OK. The last question here.

★ Question 4
Right. Where is Margaret's Department Store located?

K: So, back to the question.
C: OK. Where is Margaret's Department Store located?

K: Jeff?
J: Uh-huh. At 1909 Blue Creek Drive.

J: I wonder if there is a creek running through it.
K: And creek that is blue, you mean?
J: Well, any creek or river or ...
C: You mean running through the department store?
J: Yeah.
K: Oh, my goodness.
J: All right. During the sale, the department store is open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
C: Wow.

K: Don't miss out.
J: Hmm... And get there early.
C: Yes.
J: Because as they say "The Early bird catches the worm."

K: Oh, that was fun.
C: Yeah, it really was.
K: I love commercials too.