5/11 - 5/13, 2020

遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, May 11

U R the ★
KCJ: Well done.

C: Jeff, you are the star.
J: Got it.

C: What's that noise?
J: It's just rain hitting the window.
C: No, it's hail! Look!

(hail = ひょう small, hard balls of ice that fall from the sky like rain)

J: Yeah, you're right.
C: Looks like they are the size of golf balls.
J: Oh, close the shutters.

Say It!
K: Carolyn, are you ready five times in one breath?
J: Everything is going to be okay.
C: No. Are you sure? I don't know, a little nervous about this.
K: Yeah, yeah, everything is going to be all right.
C: Okay. Here I go.

C: Everything is going to be okay. ×5

J: See, what did we tell you?
C: Yeah.

J: Yeah.
C: Super!
KCJ: Everything was perfect!

Write It!
★ 暗い嵐の晩
K: dark and stormy night、「晩に」の「に」は in でいいでしょうか?
C: Well, actually, in English, I would use the preposition "on" here. So, it'll be "on a dark and stormy night."

★ 少女がある音を怖がっています
J: There's a couple of words we can use. There's "afraid" or "scared." A little girl would probably say, "Dad, I'm scared." So, we are going to use that. "A little girl is scared of a sound."

★ 父親は……と言います
C: Yeah, they both are fine. They both can be used for a reported speech here. If we use the verb "say," it's going to be "her father says 何々." or "her father says that 何々." Now, if we use the other verb "tell," the grammar changes a little bit. So, the sentence is a little different, because with "tell," we need to say who is being told. So, it's going to be "her father tells her 何々." or "her father tells her that 何々."

(reported speech = 間接話法)

★ そのとき
J: Well, we simply use the word "then." Now, for emphasis or dramatic effect when you're telling a story, you might pause slightly and say "then." But in writing, it's just "then."

★ 家の……
K: the house's / the home's / the family's いろいろ考えられますが……
C: Well, I think a natural way to express this is just by using the word "their." It's short and sweet.
K: OK.

C: On a dark and stormy night, a little girl is scared of a sound. Her father says it's just the wind blowing. Then, their little cherry tree gets struck by lightning.

J: On a dark and stormy night, a little girl's scared of a sound. Her father tells her it's just the wind blowing. Then, their little cherry tree gets struck by lightning.

J: Well done.
C: Yeah.

In Another Situation!
K: So, Carolyn, what's another situation going to be like?
C: Well, the father tells the girl a story.

T: Dad, are you awake?
F: I am now.
T: Do you hear that sound? Is that a ghost?
F: Hmm... It's just the wind blowing, Tiffany. Go back to bed.
T: I'm too scared.
F: Okay. I'll tell you a story so you can relax.
T: Yay!
F: Okay now, it was a dark and stormy night, and the children said, "Daddy, tell us a story." And this is what he said, "It was a dark and stormy night." And the children said, "Daddy, tell us a story." And this is what he said ...
T & F: It was a dark and stormy night.
T: And the children ...
F: Yeah. Now you've got it.

K: Or let me tell you something that happened to me the other day.
C: OK.
J: OK.
K: It was a dark and stormy night.
C: Uh-huh.
J: Oh, here we go again.


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Tuesday, May 12

K: So she found out about temperatures on the smartphone.
J: On her smartphone. Yeah.
C: Yeah. Very handy.

Word & Expressions
K: Is there anything like, you know, air conditioner and heater put together?
J: What would they call that?
K: You are not familiar with that except in Japan.
C: Except in Japan.
K: We have them… put together.
J: We have them in, oh, Japan. Uh-huh. Yeah.

U R the ★
KCJ: You are on fire.
J: All right, Carolyn.
C: Uh-huh.
J: You are the star.
C: All right.

C: Is Heatland always this hot?
J: Yes.
C: It's 55 with a heat index of 70!
J: Don't go out today.
C: Or ever if it's that hot.

(or ever = そもそも、むしろ)

Say It!
K: I won't say no to that. と言うとちょっと冷たい感じがしますね。
C: Yeah.
J: A little too cool, maybe, yeah.
K: Jeff-san, five times in one breath.
J: Well, I won't say no to that.
K: Oh, great.
C: Oh.
K: Oh, wow.

J: I won't say no to that. ×5

KCY: Yes!

Write It!
★ 湖で
K: on the lake はどうでしょう?
J: Um... if you say "on the lake," it means you ... that you're actually in a boat … on the water.
K: OK.
J: So, it would be more "at the lake" is better.

★ 妻は……だと言います
C: Well, there are two verbs I would say we could use here, either the verb "say" or "tell."
K: OK.
C: And if we use the verb "say," it's pretty straight forward. It'll be "his wife says 何々" or "his wife says that 何々."
K: OK.
C: And if we use the verb "tell," it's a little bit different because we have to say who we are talking about. So it'll be "his wife tells him 何々" or we can use "that." And it'll be "his wife tells him that 何々." Both are fine.
K: Got it.

★ ……することにします
C: Well, I would recommend using the verb "decide" here. So, it'll be "decide to 何々."

J: The husband wants to cool off at the lake. But his wife says that the temperature is 35 with a heat index of 41. They decide to go back inside and cool off.

C: The husband wants to cool off at the lake. But his wife tells him the temperature's 35 with a heat index of 41. They decide to go back inside and cool off.

J: Well done.
C: Cool.

In Another Situation!
K: So, Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
K: What's another situation going to be like?
J: Well, this time, they are taking a polar bear swim.

H: It looks like a perfect day for the polar bear swim.
W: I'm not so sure about that. I'm already freezing. It's minus five degrees.
H: We'll go swimming at Icicle Falls and cool off.
W: Take a look at this: the temperature is minus 15 at Icicle Falls with the wind-chill index of 20 below zero.
H: Brr. Let's go back to the car and turn on the heater.
W: I won't say no to that.

K: heat indexのantonym、反対語は?
C: What is it?
J: Uh... wind-chill factor.
C: Yeah, wind-chill factor.

K: Well, that's about it for today. So, until next time...
J: Keep listening.
C: Keep practicing.
J: And keep on fre... freezing, my goodness.
C: No.
J: No, we don't want to do that.
K: Smiling.
KJ: Bye!


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Wednesday, May 13

★ Question 1
J: What is this commercial about?

K: Wow. It feels like you are in an elevator or something.
J: That music.
K: Yes. What was the question again?
J: OK. What is this commercial about?

K: Carolyn, what's the answer for this?
C: Well, it's about a pain reliever called Get-Well-Soon that can relieve all your aches and pains.

J: Yeah, it helps you get well soon just like the name.
K: I see.
J: That's a great name.
C: Clever.
J: I would trust it.
K: All right. So, this lady has a headache or something?
C: Yeah.
J: A splitting headache.
C: Yeah. Not just a headache so a really bad headache.
J: Yeah.

★ Question 2
C: How much does one bottle cost?

K: So, Carolyn, what was the question again?
C: Sure Ken. How much does one bottle cost?

K: So, Jeff, how much.
J: Uh-huh. Only eight dollars.

J: That's not a bad price because these bottles are huge.
C: Yeah, lots of pills.
J: Well, just kidding. We don't know how big the bottles are.
K: Yeah, we don't know.
J: But they’re only $8.00 a bottle. Yeah.

★ Question 3
J: What flavors does Get-Well-Soon come in?

K: Nice. Back to the question.
J: Right. What flavors does Get-Well-Soon come in?

K: Carolyn, what's the answer for this?
C: Interesting flavors: chocolate, cherry, and apricot.

K: Wow.
J: I've heard of the cherry before.
C: Yeah.
J: But I don't know if I've ever heard of chocolate medicine.
C: No, I haven't.
J: Or apricot.
C: No.
J: Very unique.
K: Is this for children or ... for everybody?
J: For everybody.
C: Yeah.
K: Okay.
J: But maybe it would be easier for children to take if it's chocolate flavor.
C: Oh, yeah.

K: So, what does this lady choose ... to take?
C: Oh, she chooses the chocolate one.
J: The chocolate one.
K: And how do you take this tablet?
C: Well, actually, Ken, that's the next question.

★ Question 4
C: How do you take Get-Well-Soon?

K: Well, happy ending there.
J: Yeah.
K: Now, back to question 4.
C: Sure. How do you take Get-Well-Soon?

K: How do you take it, Jeff?
J: Well, it's a little different. This one, you put it under your tongue and let it dissolve.

J: Most tablets you would drink with water, right?
C: Yeah, like swallow it. Right?
J: You also ... You swallow it.
K: Yeah. Right.
J: And she asks about that.
C: Yeah. Or sometimes you suck on it like a candy.
J: Oh.
K: Oh, yeah.
C: Sometimes just like a candy. But this is different.
J: This is really different. Put it under your tongue, let it dissolve. That's interesting.
C: Hmm...
K: Where did the man get this medicine?
J: Oh, at Hoffman's Drugstores.
K: Oh, OK.

K: Well, as I said, the first question can be the most difficult question of all the questions.
J: Yeah. Because it usually comes at the very beginning and if you don't hear it, you know, you've already passed that.
K: Yeah.

C: And you have to pick out the information though, like… it's hard, you have to figure out what is the important information.
J: Right.
K: Hmm...

J: The other questions come within the commercial, later on. But the very beginning is... is the most important, I think.

K: Yeah. Well, that's about it for today.
K: So, until next time...
J: Keep listening.
C: Keep practicing.
K: And keep on swallowing ...
J: No.
KCJ: Smiling. Bye!