3/31 - 4/1, 2020

遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, March 30

K: Hi, everyone, I'm Ken Toyama. And here with me today are...
C: Hi! I'm Carolyn Miller. It's great to have you here.
J: And I'm Jeff Manning. Thanks for tuning in.
K: So are you ready, you guys?
C: Ready as I'll ever be.
J: Ready when you are.
K: Okey-Dokie. Let's get the ball rolling.
CJ: Here we go!

K: はじめて聞かれる方は
CJ: Welcome!
K: これまでも聞いていてくださった方は
CJ: Welcome back!

Apply It!
J: We made it to 2020 in one piece. Yay!

U R the ★
J: Yeah!
C: Wonderful.
KCJ: Excellent!

C: Jeff, you are the star.
J: Got it.

C: How did it go?
J: It was tough.
C: I bet it was.
J: But I came out in one piece.
C: Glad to hear it.

Say It!
K: Are you ready, Jeff?
J: Yes, I'm practicing my "did it, did it, did it." OK.

J: How did it go? ×5

K: Great.
J: Ken, Carolyn, how did it go?
C: Sounds good to me.
K: Really good.

J: Yeah!
KCJ: Super!

Write It!
★ スカイダイビングをし
K: He skydives でいいですかね?
C: Well, the verb is correct, "skydive." But in this situation, I would recommend writing "goes skydiving."

★ ホッとし
J: Well, in English, it's simply put "is relieved."

★ ……したと聞いてショックを受けます
K: Is there any simple way to say this, write it?
C: Well, we are describing her feelings here. So let's use the word "shock." And it sounds very similar to the Japanese, doesn't it?
K: Oh, yeah.
C: So in English, I'd suggest writing "shocked to hear that 何々."
K: So "She was shocked."
C: Yes, "She was shocked to hear that."

C: A man goes skydiving and makes it to the ground in one piece. His wife is relieved and then shocked to hear that he made a reservation for her.

J: A man goes skydiving and makes it to the ground in one piece. His wife's relieved and then shocked to hear he made a reservation for her.

J: Yay!
C: Good start!

In Another Situation!
K: So Carolyn, what's another situation going to be like?
C: Well, Ken, a cat has jumped off a tall tree.

W: How did it go?
H: I made it to the ground in one piece.
W: Great!
H: I was nervous but my mom and dad were so reassuring.
W: I'd never jump out of that tall tree ― not in nine lives!
H: You might have a blast!
W: No way!
H: Yes way! Practice makes perfect.

K: OK, so guys, how did it go?
C: Well, we made it to the end.
J: In one piece.
K: All right.


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Tuesday, March 31

J: Some funny conversation.
K: Yeah, two of a kind.

U R the ★
KCJ: Right on!

C: Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
C: You are the star.
J: Got it.

C: Who did your boss choose for the team?
J: Well, nine times out of ten she's right about people.
C: Yes?
J: But this time I don't know.
C: I guess you'll have to wait and see.

Say It!
K: Jeff, are you ready five times in one breath?
J: Ugh... Let me practice.
K: Uh... no, I won't let you do that. Let me tell you, you can be so good. You'll be so fine.
J: All right. Let me try.

J: Let me call her. ×5

K: See, I told you.
C: Yeah.
K: Yeah. Right, Carolyn?
C: Absolutely.

J: All right.
C: Great.
K: Great. Let me congratulate you.
J: Let ME congratulate you.
C: Oh, let ME congratulate you.
KCJ: Good job!

Write It!
★ 2人の人
J: Well, simple is best. Then the simplest way to say this is "two people."

★ 彼女は自分のスケジュールで動く人です
C: Well, Ken. There are two ways I'd recommend writing this.
K: OK.
C: The first way is kind of similar to what we saw in the dialog, and it's, "She is on her own schedule."
K: Okay.
C: And the second way is closer to the structure we see in the Japanese.
K: OK.
C: And it is, "She is the kind of person who is on her own schedule."

J: Two people are waiting for Miki. Nine times out of ten she is late. She is on her own schedule.

C: Two people are waiting for Miki. Nine times out of then she's late. She's the kind of person who's on her own schedule.

C: Good work.
J: Wonderful.

In Another Situation!
K: So, Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
K: What's another situation going to be like?
J: Well, this time, they are at a sukiyaki restaurant.

M: Should we start?
W: Shouldn't we wait for Leito?
M: I don't know. Nine times out of ten he is late.
W: Let me call him.
W: Hmmm. He's not picking up.
M: Maybe he forgot. Leito is on his own schedule.
W: Doesn't the boss give him a hard time?
M: No, because she's always late, too. They're two of a kind.
MW: Ugh...
W: Well, let's start before the sukiyaki dries up.
M: Good call.

(Good call. = いい考え、名案 a good decision or good idea)

K: Well, that was well done. I think nine times out of ten this corner is a success.
C: Wait a minute.
JC: Wait. Maybe ten times out of ten.
K: OK. I guess you are right.


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Wednesday, April 1

K: We don't have a review today, right?
K: Oh, April Fool!
J: April fools.
C: April fools.
J: Yes, we do.

K: Do you say car it?
J: Uh, no.
C: No. That one really doesn't work, I car it.
K: How about train it?
CJ: Um...
K: Go somewhere by train.
C: No, not really. I don't think so.
J: Although we do say "I bus it."
C: Yeah.
J: I take a bus to work.
C: Yeah, that I can say. Yeah. But when you're walking... ?
J: I hoof it. H-o-o-f.
K: Hoof it. Oh, wow. That sounds like a horse.
J: It does, right? Or a goat or something. Yeah, hoof it. That's weird. I don't know where that came from.

(hoof it = 歩く、踊るto walk somewhere)