1/20 - 1/22, 2020

遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, January 20, 2020

U R the ★
J: All right, Carolyn.
C: Uh-huh.
J: You are the star.
C: OK.

J: How was the play?
C: The lead guy was not so great.
J: That's too bad.
C: But all in all, it was fun.
J: Hmm... Maybe I'll go see it.
C: You should.

Say It!
K: I love this phrase so much. Can I do it today?
J: Oh!
C: Absolutely.
J: Be our guest.

(be my guest = please do どうぞ)

K: All right.

Way to go! ×5

CJ: Way to go!
K: Thank you.

Write It!
★ メガンと友人たちの教会でのバザープロジェクトは
K: 主語長いですね。
C: It's really long.
K: Megan and her friends' project for church bazaar. これでいいですか?
C: Of course. I mean that's totally fine.
K: Okay.
C: But I think we can make it just a little bit shorter.
K: OK.
C: We could say, "Megan and her friends' church bazaar project."

★ 誇りに思っている
J: Oh, we say this all the time.
K: How do you say it?
J: "Be proud of 誰々 or something. Yes. It's not in the dialog so her father doesn't actually say it.
K: Uh-huh.
J: But we know that he is proud of his daughter. So it goes something like, "Her father is proud of her," something like that.

All in all, Negan and her friends' church bazaar project is a success. It's for a good cause and her father is proud of her.

C: All right.
J: Well done.

In Another Situation!
K: So Carolyn, what's another situation going to be like this time?
C: Well, now, Megan and her friends ran a food stand.

D: How did it go, Megan?
M: All in all, it was a success.
D: Did you meet your goal?
M: Yes. It went beyond our expectations.
D: Way to go.
M: The food and drinks sold out within an hour. We only have two pancakes left.
D: Hmm... Why don't I buy both of them? It's for a good cause.
M: Oh, thanks, Dad.
D: One for you and one for me.
M: Hmm... both for you. I sneaked some and I'm full.

(sneak = こっそり持ち出す, こっそり盗む to go or move in a quiet way / to move, give, take, or put in a quiet, stealthy manner)

D: Good. I'm hungry.
M: Oh, hello Hungry. I'm Megan.
D: Nice to meet you.
M: Ha ha ha ...
D: Let's eat.
M: Oh, just you.

K: Hello hungry. I'm Megan. お父さんに Dad joke を使う
C: Oh, yeah.
J: Very old one.
C: Yap. But a good one.

K: Well, that's all about it for today, so until next time.
J: Keep listening.
C: Keep practicing.
K: I think all in all, the program was fun.
J: I agree.
C: Oh, year.
K: Great.
KCJ: Bye!


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Tuesday, January 21, 2020

UR the ★
C: Nice!
J: All right.
KCJ: You did well.

C: Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
C: You are the star.
J: All right.

C: This is the first print.
J: It has no wear and tear.
C: Right. And it's for you.
J: Really? I appreciate it.
C: Well, when I saw it, I knew you would love it.
J: Oh, but you shouldn't. It's too much.
C: No.
J: All right. I'll take it.

Say It!
K: Carolyn-san…
C: Yes.
K: Five times in one breath. Are you ready?
C: I think I can do it.
K: OK.

C: When was it published? ×5

K: Yay! You did it!
J: All right.

J: Oh, yeah.
C: Super!
KCJ: You did it again.

Write It!
★ 高額な
J: Well, there's couple of ways we can say this. Either way is fine. One is "pricy," the other one is "expensive."

★ 彼女……するよう勧める
K: Her husband tells her to do something. でよろしいですか?
C: Hmm... Well, it's not wrong, but it can sound like a bit of an order sometimes, especially, depending on how you read it.

C: So I'd suggest using the verb "encourage" here. And it's a good word to remember. So, it'll be "encourage her to 何々."

★ 読み聞かせるために
J: Well, there are also two patterns that we can use.
K: OK.
J: "So that they can 何々," or take out the "that," "so they can 何々."
K: Uh-huh.
J: The full sentence would be something like "so they can read it to their children," or "so that they can read it aloud to their children. There are several ways you can do it.

J: Masako finds a book she loves in a used book store. It’s pricy but her husband encourages her to get it so that they can read it aloud to their children.

C: Masako finds a book she loves in a used book store. It’s expensive but her husband encourages her to get it so they can read it to their children.

J: Fantastic.
C: Good job.

In Another Situation!
K: So Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
K: What's another situation going to be like?
K: This time, they’re 150 years of age.

K: Oh, way to go.

M: Oh, "Kanashi-Ureshi." Sam, my teacher read this book aloud to us in third grade!
S: No kidding. That's just about 140 years ago.
M: Yes. I loved this story. I don' t know if it's worth 300,000 yen, though.
S: It has quite a bit of wear and tear and inflation. When was it published?
M: In 1948. It's my favorite Children story of all time.
S: Let’s get it, Masako, and read it to our great-great-grandkids.
M: Oh, okay.

K: They seem to be doing well there.
C: Yeah.
J: Seem… they're still healthy.
K: They can still go to a store.
J: Yeah.
K: Oh, my goodness.

K: Well, that's about it for today. So until next time.
J: Keep listening.
C: Keep practicing.
K: And I hope this program doesn't show too much wear and tear and all that.

(and all that = ~やら何やら、~など)

J: Oh, I think it's fresh every time.
C: Yap.
K: Oh, well. Keep on smiling there.
KCJ: Bye!


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Wednesday, January 22, 2020

K: In Canada, what's a system like? Do you say "in third grade," for example?
C: Oh, we have a similar system to the States, but as a Canadian, I don't usually say "in third grade." I would say "in grade three."
J: Oh, a little different.
C: Like "My daughter is in grade five."
K: Okay.
C: You wouldn't say that, Jeff?
J: No, I would say "fifth grade, third grade, fourth grade." Yeah.
C: OK.
K: You learn something new every day.

K: Well, how was it today?
CJ: Short and sweet.