1/6 - 1/7, 2020

遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, January 6

U R the ★
J: All right, Carolyn. You are the star.
C: Alrighty.

J: I'll be singing in a jazz club.
C: Nice. When?
J: This Friday night.
C: I'll be there rain or shine!
J: Great. I'll save a place for you.

Say It!
K: Carolyn, are you ready five times in one breath?
C: Yeah, I'll try to do it five times.
K: All right.
C: No promises.
K: That's the split.
J: Take a big breath.

C: Have you read any good books lately? ×5

J: Wow!
C: Whew! That was hard.
J: No problem.
K: You did it.

KCJ: That was fantastic.

Write It!
★ 伝えます
C: Well, in Japanese, it could be something like giving information is that how it would be.
K: That's one of those things. Yeah.
C: Oh, OK. Well, I think, in English, I would recommend using the verb "tell" here. It's short and sweet.

(short and sweet = 簡潔で要を得た pleasantly brief, short and clear)

C: A woman tells a man that this year she will read one book a month rain or shine. Then the man tells her his New Year's resolution.

J: A woman tells a man this year she will read one book a month rain or shine. Then the man tells her his New Year's resolution.

J: Well done.
C: Good job.

In Another Situation
K: So, Carolyn. What's another situation going to be like?
C: Well, now, two cyborgs are chatting.

M: Have you read any good books lately?
W: No. But this year I will read 300 books a moth -- rain or solar flare.

(A solar flare is a sudden flash of increased brightness on the Sun. 太陽フレアとは太陽における爆発現象)

M: Oh! What are you reading today?
W: Ten Gakushu textbooks.
M: Cool.
W: I'm done. What fun.
M: Great! Well, my New Year's resolution is to read "War and Peace."

("War and Peace" is a novel by the Russian author Leo Tolstoy 『戦争と平和』は、帝政ロシア末期の小説家レフ・トルストイが著した長編小説)

W: Didn't you say that last year?
M: Yes. I thought it was a piece of cake. Ha ha ha ... but ...

(a piece of cake = something easily achieved / as easy as pie)

W: You are at war with the novel.
M: Right.
W: Well, I hope you win this year.
M: Right.
M & W: Ha ha ha ....

J: Well, "War and Peace" is a very big book. So it's almost like reading 300 hundred books.
K: OK. Keep on fighting.


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Tuesday, January 7

K: Really there were ups and downs there.
J: Yes.

U R the ★
C: Super!
KCJ: You are going up and up.

J: All right, Carolyn. You are the star.
C: Great.

J: How was the concert?
C: We had a good turnout!

(turnout = 参会者数、出席者数、人出、投票者数 the number of people attending or taking part in an event, especially the number of people voting in an election.)

J: Great. So all went well?
C: Well, there were ups and downs.
J: Oh, no. Tell me about it.
C: Where should I start?

Say It!
K: Jeff-san, five times in one breath. Are you ready?
J: Oh, I love to hear this when I'm traveling.
K: Oh, yeah, of course.
C: Do you?
J: I love to be upgraded to first class.
C: Oh .... Have you heard that before?
J: Only once.
C: Oh, wow!
J: All right.

J: I was upgraded to first class. ×5

J: Wow!
C: Hey!
KCJ: That was first class.

Write It!
★ ……から帰ってきたばかりです
K: from her trip でいいと思うのですが
J: Yes, that's right.
J: Right, the normal phrase would be "back from どこどこ." Right. But in this case, we are going to add the word "just" for emphasis. So, it's ... "is just back from どこどこ."

★ スタートは/最後に
C: Well, in English, probably similar to the Japanese. Um... We have set phrases for these two phrases.
K: OK.
C: And they're pretty useful to remember. When we are talking about the beginning, we use the phrase "at the start."
K: OK.
C: And then when we’re wrapping it up, ending it, we can use the phrase "in the end."

A woman is just back from her trip. There were ups and downs at the start, but in the end she got upgraded to first class!

J: Good job.
C: Wow!

In Another Situation
K: So Jeff, what's another situation going to be like?
J: Well, this time, she's just back from a trip to Mars.

M: How was your trip to Mars?
W: Oh, there were ups and downs.
M: What happened?
W: My flight was cancelled due to a space station problem.
M: That's too bad.
W: So I rebooked for the next day.
M: That's good.
W: But when I checked in, they said the moon base was shut down.
M: No!
W: But they put me on a direct flight to Mars.
M: Wow!
W: Right?

K: Happy ending there.
J: Yeah.
C: Sounds like it, yeah.
J: A direct flight, I wonder how long it took.

K: So first, there was a problem at the space station.
C: Yes.
K: And then there was a problem on the moon?
C: Yes.
J: Right.
C: So it was closed.
J: It was closed.
K: Moon base was closed.
C: Yeah.
K: And then, she got ...
CJ: A direct flight.
J: She didn't have to transfer twice.
C: No.
K: Ah, OK.
J: So, a lot of ups and downs in space.
C: Well, I don't know, how can you tell up and down in space.
J: Well, when you take off from the earth and when you land on Mars.
C: Oh, okay.

惑星(planet) は固有名詞扱いで、冠詞を付けないのが一般的
Mercury(水星), Venus(金星), Mars(火星), Jupiter(木星), Saturn(土星), Uranus(天王星), Neptune(海王星
それに対し、身近でごくありふれた存在である月、太陽、地球は普通名詞扱いになります。また、特定して唯一性を示すために定冠詞 "the" が付きます。

地球◆伝統的には定冠詞を付けてthe earthと呼ぶ。「惑星としての地球」を指す場合、the earthの代わりにthe Earthという表記が多用される。天文学などでは、無冠詞(固有名詞扱い)のEarthが使われることもある。