2019, 2/4 - 2/6

遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, February 4

I see. Quite a few problems.
An angry boss.
Yeah, one especially big problem.

U R the ★
I'm going to Stealia.
You should watch out for pickpockets.

(pickpocket = someone who steals money and other things from people's pockets and bags, especially in crowded places スリ)

(thief = a person who steals another person's property, especially by stealth and without using force or threat of violence こそ泥)
(burglar = a person who illegally enters buildings and steals things 泥棒、不法侵入窃盗犯)
(robbery = the action of taking property unlawfully from a person or place by force or threat of force 強盗)

I should?
Yes. And watch your bags like a hawk.
Wow! Good advice.

Say It!
Are you ready, Jeff, five times in one breath?
Yeah, that's nothing new.
Let’s hear it
All right.

Well, that's nothing new.

Well, that was nothing to sneeze at.

(That's nothing to sneeze at. = それは些細なことではない。)
(くしゃみであしらうような些細なことではない」というような something that deserves serious attention, esp. an amount of money)

Wow, thank you.

You did it again.
But, then again, that's nothing new.

Write It!
★ シェフのジェイコブ/経営者のバド
Well, there's actually two ways we can say this
We can either say "the chef, Jacob" or "the manager, Bud" or we can change the order and move the names to the beginning, and say "Jacob, the chef" or "Bud, the manager." Both are fine.

★ 彼女の休暇について尋ねます ask でいいのですか?
Yes, "asks." And there are also two ways of saying this as well. "Asks about her vacation" or "asks how her vacation was."
Now, you can also add "her" after asks. Even if you say it twice, it doesn't sound redundant, either way, "asks her about her vacation" or "asks her how her vacation was."

Amy is back to work. The chef, Jacob, asks about her vacation, but she can't talk right now. The manager, Bud, is watching her like a hawk.

Amy is back to work. Jacob, the chef, asks her how her vacation was, but she can't talk right now. Bud, the manager, is watching her like a hawk.

In Another Situation!
So Carolyn..
What's another situation going to be like?
Well, the year is 2119. Amy is back from a "short" space trip.

Amy! You're a sight for sore eyes!
Hi, Jacob. How have you been?
Fine. My! You haven't changed a bit.
Well, you haven't changed much, either.
Right. Only 100 years older. How was your vacation?
Short but sweet. I flew to the moon, then went on a warp drive to the shoulder of the Orion. But I can't talk right now. Bud is watching me like a hawk.
Yeah, like a 150-year-old hawk. He's not in a good mood.
Well, some things never change, do they?
You two need to stop talking and get to work!
Let's talk during the break.

              • -

Both men are like 140 years old.
Yeah, about that.
Well, I'd like to go on, but our director is watching us like a hawk. So we gotta (have got to) go. 
Let's talk afterwards.


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Tuesday, February 6

U R the ★
Is there a museum in this town?
Yes, the Nukazuke Museum is a fun place to go.
What's in there?
There are 1,000 kinds of pickles.
Oh, pucker up.

(pucker up = 唇をすぼめる [キスするとき・酸っぱい物を食べたときなど] to squeeze one's lips together in the way people do when they are going to kiss someone)

You crack me up.

            • -

Say It!

            • -

Jeff, are you ready, five times in one breath?
I think I can do this.
I'm sure you can do that.

I'll run a check on that.

Has anyone ever told you how great you are?

                • -

Write It!

                • -

★ 時制の一致について
Right, past tense and sequence of tenses. (過去形と時制の一致)
And this is about whether we use it or not.

★ 何かあるかと尋ねました 
Well, the question is asked in the past, right?
So, because it was asked at the point in the past, it's going to be in the past tense. But the action has also been completed in the past. So logically in English, both verbs have to be in the past tense. So it's going to be "asked if there was."

★ ところだと伝えました
This time, the sequence of tenses does not work. The customer "asked" Amy, and Amy "told," those are both past tense. But Amy told him that the historic district "is" a fun place to go, because it still "is." Even now it's still a fun place to go.

A customer asked Amy if there was anything interesting to do in Flowerville. Amy told him that the historic district is a fun place to go.

In Another Situation!
So, Jeff...
What's anther situation going to be like?
Well, this time, they are robots.

I'll be right back with your cafe oil.
Say, is there anything interesting to do in Omegaville?
Hmm... The historic district is a fun place to go.
Thanks. When was Omegaville founded?
Let me get back to you on that. Jacob, when was Omegaville founded?
January 1st, 2025 by Ms. Julia Robots, the first mayor.
Has anyone ever told you how smart you are?
My maker?
Ha ha.
Ha ha.
You crack me up!
Oh, no. She really did crack up.

So she fell apart.
Julia Robots.
Yeah, that name sounded familiar.


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Wednesday, February 7

Well, that’s about it for today. I hope you liked the way we presented the use of the word “way.”