2019, 1/28-1/30

遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, January 28

Sounds like a dungeon or something….

(dungeon = 地下牢  a dark underground room in a castle that was used as a prison in the past)

I know. Are they deep underground?
It's probably down a long hallway.

U R the ★
That was really something.

I lost my book.
Can you describe it?
It's a novel written by Ken something.
Is this the book?
Yes, that's the one.
I'm glad you found it.

Say it!
Carolyn, are you ready five times in one breath?

A young man turned them in minute ago.

You did it. All right.

You turned in a fine performance.

Write It!
★ ある女性
Well, we're talking about a person in a general sense here. So in English, we're going to say "a woman."

★ 幸運にも
Very simply put “luckily.”
Now, many people use "fortunately," and that's not incorrect. That's fine. But "fortunately" is maybe a little neutral or maybe a little formal standing.
And so "luckily" has more emphasis, has more feeling to it. So we're gonna (going to) use "luckily."
Because she is... she is very happy that it happened.

★ そこにそのキーがありました
Well, I think the most natural way to say this in English is, "The keys were there."

It's also grammatically correct to say, "There were the keys." But it really sounds overly dramatic to me. And I don't think it's most natural way to express it in English in this situation.

★ その10分前に
Well, we're going to use "earlier," like "10 minutes earlier."
No, it depends on the viewpoint. So if your viewpoint is right now, you can use "10 minutes ago."
But in this particular case, your viewpoint is in the past. So it would be "10 minutes earlier."

A woman lost her keys and went to the customer service counter. She described the key chain and luckily the keys were there. A young man turned them in ten minutes earlier.

In Another Situation!
So Carolyn, what's another situation going to be like?
Well now, a man lost his umbrella.

Hi. I lost my umbrella.
Hmm... when did this happen?
Yesterday. I left it on the 5:50 p.m. train.
Can you describe it?
It's large, vinyl and translucent.  

(translucent = 半透明 clear enough for light to pass through but not completely clear)

Let's see. We have about 50 umbrellas that match your description found on the 5:50 p.m. train yesterday.
Oh, my gosh! Well, I'll be back. I need to listen to Gakushu.
Uh, what about your umbrella, sir?
Keep it. I've got other fish to fry. I'm busy. I've got to listen to Gakushu.

(have other fish to fry = ほかにしなければならない大切な仕事がある have other or more important matters to attend to)

He sounds a little irritated.
He's on the mission to listen to Gakushu though.
That's not a bad attitude.


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Tuesday, July 29

(carry-on bag = a small bag that is taken inside an aircraft)
(checked bag / check-in bag = delivered to an airline or train for transportation in the hold of an aircraft or baggage car of a passenger train)

She is really sold on it.

(be sold on it = ~に夢中である、~に乗り気である)

U R the ★
I need a new bicycle.
Oh, you do?
My current one is falling apart.
How about this one?
Oh, that looks good.
You’re gonna (going to) like it. It’s got a motor on it.
It looks even better.

              • -

Say It!

              • -

Jeff, are you ready, five times in one breath?
I don't know. This one is really long and difficult.
Well, I'm sure you can do it.
Let's try it.

This one is really sturdy and roomy.

You did it.

You are on top of the world.

Write It!
★ ものは oneでいいのでしょうか?
Well, we're talking about the woman's carry-on bag, so we'd use "one" instead of repeating that, "a sturdy and roomy one." These two words I really hope our listeners add that to the vocabulary. They're great words. They're good to remember. They're used in conversation all the time. Now, you can say "strong and has lots of space." That's Okay, but these two words are good to remember, I think.

★ 価格はバッチリ
Well, in English, there's a very handy phrase. And it's, "The price is right." And not only it's handy but it also sounds nice hearing the アイアイ sound. It's kind of pleasing to the ears.

The woman's carry-on bag is falling apart. She finds a sturdy and roomy one. The price is right and it comes with a separate compartment.

In Another Situation!
So Jeff…
What's another situation going to be like?
Well, it's 20 years from now and computers are really inexpensive!

Oh! There's a big sale on computers. My laptop is falling apart.
How many have you had so far?
Well, I've had 30.
Well, you'd better get another one then.
Oh, this one is really light, 500 grams, and the screen is foldable and pretty big.
How much is it?
It's half off -- only $59. And it comes with a separate Cinerama anywhere player projector.
Okay, let's get it and get a hot dog. I'm getting hungry.
Why not?
Can you lend me $50 for two?
Fifty dollars? That's cheap.

So computers are cheaper...
... than hot dogs.
Out of sight.

(out of sight = 法外な, べらぼうに  extremely expensive and more than you are able to spend)

Yeah, you know, my memory is falling apart. I don't know what to say at the end of the program.
Well, something like...
Oh, I know, that's about it for today.