ラジオ英会話 1/2 - 1/6, 2023

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 181  Monday, December 26 / January 2

◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone, Akino Roza here. Thanks for joining us for all the lessons, and I mean every lesson.

C: Hi guys, Chris McVay here. Now, did you know the French have a nickname for British people? They call them, "les Rosbifs" like roast beef because we eat it so much.

(フランス語 rosbif [ロースビフ])

A little Explanation
★ We used to eat it every Sunday.

O: ここでは、ローストビーフとマッシュポテト、2つのものを表しているように見えるのですが、 it が使われています。なぜなのでしょう? 
So, why is "it" used here?
C: Well, it's easy. Roast beef and mashed potato are considered to be "a dish," so just one unit. Therefor the singular is used.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: Hey, it's practice time. Today we're looking at "all" and "every." Now, the basic difference is that "all" is considered as one block while "every" pinpoints each individual one in the group.

That's why it takes the singular verb. Let's practice.
"every child"
"every customer"
"every participant"
"every member"

R: Continuing on. Let's practice with the word "their."
"Every child has their own room."

C: "all the children"
"all students"
Can you feel that one block? "All students," one block, think like that.
Carrying on, "all of us"
"all of the teachers"
"all the country"
"all the team"
"all day"

R: OK guys, I think we've had enough examples. So, let's skip the last set.

C: OK, well done guys! Great practice.
R: Fantastic!

◆ Ending
O: Hey Chris, are you good at cooking?
C: Well, I don't know if I'm good at cooking, but I enjoy it. For me, it's a kind of therapy.
O: Ohh....
R: Hey Chris, when are you bringing your roast beef and mashed potato?
C: Oooo... one day.


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 182  Tuesday, December 27 / January 3

◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone, Akino Roza here.
C: Hi guys, Chris McVay here. Ugh... I have no friends.
R: What do you mean? I'm your friend.
C: I'm just practicing.

◆ Right after the Japanese translation part
C: Well, our textbook is definitely not just a fashion accessory. It's far more valuable. Check it out.
R: It can do anything.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK guys. It's practice time again. No problem, right?
Now, we're focusing on this word "no." I want you to imagine like a punch バフッ!because it's a very powerful negative. Let's try some examples together.

R: And remember, think in English.

C: "No problem."
"I can fix it in not time."
"I have no idea."
Can you feel that? I have no idea, definitely none.
One more from me here. "I found nothing."

R: Let's continue. "I'm no expert."
"I'm no fool."
"It's no joke."
"There's no easy way to master English."
C: Hmm...
R: That's very true. There is only practice, practice, practice.

C: OK, a few more, "There were no more than ten people present."
Try that one, again, "There were no more than ten people present."

R: And the last few, "I have no time to talk."
One more time, "I have no time to talk."
"No students are allowed to enter here."
One last time, "No students are allowed to enter here."

C: OK, you did a great job, guys.
R: No doubt about it. That was excellent.

◆ Ending
C: Hey guys, what do you want to do after the recoding today?
O: I have no idea what you are talking about.
R: What do you mean? He is talking about what we want to…
O: I have no idea what you are talking about.
R: Well, if you would...
C: Let me explain.
R: Yeah, if you would listen...
C: Well, just...
O: I'm just practicing.
R: Ugh....
C: Oh, goodness.


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 183  Wednesday, December 28 / January 4

◆ Opening
R: Akino Roza here.
C: Chris McVay here. There's some frogs in the studio today. So, just let me get rid of them, and then we can start. OK?

(get rid of 取り除く、駆除する)

A little Explanation
★ I'm not fond of.
Like とどこが違うのでしょうか?

O: So, what's the difference between "be fond of" and "like"?

C: Well, everyone uses "like." It's the… you know, the default word, but "fond" always reminds me of the French word "fondre" which means to melt. So, it's like a heart melting likeness.
R: It's like a very fuzzy feeling.

(fuzzy  ほわほわっとした、柔らかくて綿毛があるもの)

◆ Right after the Japanese translation part
R: Hey guys, you know what makes a great present for a friend? -- Our textbook.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK, are you ready to practice? Today, "another," "the other," "the others," "others." I'm sure you understood Onishi-sensei's explanations, so let's go straight into the practice.

R: And remember, think in English.

C: Hu-huh. "Could you show me the other?"
Let's try that once again. "Could you show me the other?"

R: Next example, "Could you show me the others?"
So, I have this one but I want to see the others, the ones I see there.
One more time, "Could you show me the others?"

C: "Could you show me others?"
OK, once more, "Could you show me others?"

R: And the last example, "Some are cheap, and others are expensive."
One more time, "Some are cheap, and others are expensive."

C: OK, sometimes it can be a bit confusing, but keep practicing and you'll get it all right. I'm sure.
R: That's right. Excellent work, guys.

◆ Ending
O: Hey Chris...
C: Uh-huh.
O: Have you ever bought a scarf for your wife?
C: You know, I've bought my wife lots of presents, but I don't think I've ever bought her a scarf.
R: What about you, Sensei?
O: I never step in cloths shops. They are scary.


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 184  Thursday, December 29 / January 5

◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone, Akino Roza here. Ready for today's lesson?
C: Hi guys, Chris McVay here. Ugh... when I was younger... Uh, sorry, just reminiscing.

(reminiscing 昔を懐かしんで to talk or write about past experiences that you remember with pleasure)

◆ Right after the Japanese translation part
C: Hmm... trendy... Now, that's a good word to describe our textbook. Check it out.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK guys, it's practice time again. This time, we're practicing "both," "either," and "neither." Now, Onishi-sensei has given a very complete explanation of how to use these. So, we'll just focus on repeating some typical example sentences. Then, you can use these as models to make your own sentences. Good idea, huh?

R: And remember, both Chris and I want you to think in English when practicing.

C: That's true. So, here we go. "You can have both toys."
"You can have either toy."
"You can have neither toy."

R: Let's continue. "You cannot have both."
"You cannot have either."

C: "Both Tom and Bill are my classmates."
"Either Tom or Bill has to go there."
One last one from me, "Neither Tom nor Bill came to my party."

R: And the last example.
C: "I don't like carrots."
R: "I don’t like them either."
"Neither do I."

C: Great job guys. Well done.
R: Fantastic!

◆ Ending
O: Humm... either blouse will go well with this skirt.
どっちでも いいさ (either) ってことですね。


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 185  Friday, December 30 / January 6

◆ Opening
R: Welcome back everyone. It's time for the review. This is Akino Roza.
C: Chris McVay here. I think now, you know, it's review day. So, let's get started.

◆ Ending
O: Hey Roza, which jacket suits me better?
R: Well, neither suits you well, but you can have both.

C: So, can I have both of them?
O: Of course.

遠山顕の英会話入門  秋号 Dialog 8

遠山顕の英会話入門  秋号 Dialog 8

K: Jeff, are you ready five times in one breath?
J: Sorry?
K: Saury is a name of the fish in the sea.
J: You're right. OK.

Y: Nice!

J: Yeah!
All: You made it.

Chose the Right One!
K: Let's check all the answers one by one.
Y: Okay.
J: Right. No. 1 again, "In the end, the man knows what's wrong."
Umm... listening to the dialog again, I ... I still don't think he knows what's going on. So, I don't think this is the right answer. How about you, Julia?

Y: OK, my No. 2 is, "In the end the woman knows what's wrong."
Wow! I definitely don't think this is right.
K: You're still confused, right?
Y: Yeah, very confused.
K: OK.
Y: Ken, yours?

K: Yeah, mine, "In the end they both don't know what's wrong."
I think, you know, the man doesn't know, the woman doesn't know. I don't think they know anything about what's going on.
J: Right. They're still confused.
K: Yeah. So, I think this is the right answer.

J: I do too.
Y: Me too.
K: So...
All: The correct answer is ...
K: No. 3, "In the end, they both don't know what's wrong."

J: Good job!
Y: Good job.

Write It!
◆ ある男性
J: Right. Right, we're not talking about a specific uh... man here. Uh, so, we're going to use the indefinite article "a."
K: Hmm....
Y: Definitely.

◆ 混乱が始まります
Y: Yeah, you want to use the present tense.
K: OK.
Y: So, this is how it goes. "The trouble begins."
K: And the trouble begins.

◆ ふたりは大変こんがらかってしまいます
K: ダイアログでは I am confused で状態を表しますが、ここでは「こんがらかってしまう」というアクションです。
J: Right. So, "are" would be the condition that they are in, but they're getting there little by little, right? So, it's "in the end" they're confused. So, we want to say "get." Uh... "get confused," which is the action. So, we would say "They get very confused."
K: OK.

J: Oh, that was the tough one, but I know they did.
Y: Uh-huh. I'm sure they plowed right through.

(plow 耕す、苦労して読み進む、取りかかる)
(right through ずっと)

Sign Off
Y: This time, the dialog will be between two men.

This is my favorite fish, samma.
Oh, do you know what’s it called in English?
Don't be. I'm supposed to know it.
I just told you the name.
You did? What is it?
Don't be.
I'm not. The fish is saury.
What is the fish sorry about?
Well, the fish is not sorry about anything.
The fish is not sorry...
It is saury.
Sorry about what?
Ugh... Shall we just eat the fish?
Yeah, let's do that.

ラジオ英会話 12/19 - 12/23, 2022

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 176  Monday, December 19

◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone, Akino Roza here.
C: Well, listeners, Chris McVay here. I just wanted to say we love making these lessons all due to the support you give us. Thank you.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK, guys, it's practice time. Today, we are looking at "a." Now, we all know very well "the" meaning the only one これっきゃない. Remember? So, today, we are looking at "a," which is one of several. That's the main point. So, let's look at some examples together.

R: And important thing to keep in mind this to think in English when you practice.

C: Hmm... Here we go!
"I want to have an exhibition of the students' works."
"Can you recommend a good hotel?"
Here it's clear, isn't it? How many good hotels are there. Only one? No. So, "a" is best here.

R: Let's continue. Here too. We have examples that show one of many. Ready?
"I'm a pianist."
"I'm a teacher."
"I'm a fire fighter."
"Fido is a dog."
"That’s a good idea."
"I have an idea."

C: You have many ideas, Roza, right?
R: I do. And they are all great.

C: OK. "I have a dog."
"I have one dog."

R: "I have a friend who is a real estate agent."
"I have a friend who is a real estate agent."

C: And our last couple. "She gave me a reason why she quit." One of many reasons.
"She gave me the reason why she quit." That's the main reason. OK?

R: You guys did great.
C: Keep it up.

◆ Ending
O: What do you do, Roza?
R: Well, I am a Jack of all treads. I do a lot of things.

(Jack of all trades 何でも屋。多くの物事に広く浅い知識はあるが、何一つ専門分野を持っていない人のことを表すイディオム  someone who can do many different jobs)

R: What about you, Chris?
C: Well, I'm an old retired professor.


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 177  Tuesday, December 20

◆ Opening
R: Akino Roza here.
C: Chris McVay here. Roza, what ingredients do you need for today's lesson?
R: Oh, not many, I just need your smile.
C: Uh...

◆ Right after the Japanese translation part
C: Well, our textbook is not short of any ingredients. It's perfect. Ha, ha… Check it out.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: Hey, it's practice time. Today, we're looking at the word "some." Now, the image here is that what you are talking about is there, but it's very blurry, right? ... no detail. So, with that in mind, let's practice.

R: And something to keep in mind is to think in English while you practice.

C: OK, let's get started, "someone"
Blurry, blurry...

R: Let's continue, "I need some olive oil."
"I need some water."
"I need some baking powder."
"I need some sugar."

C: How much sugar do you need?
R: A lot.

C: Moving on, "Some 200 people attended my birthday party."
Right? We're not sure exactly how many, so "some 200 people."
"Some 200 people attended my birthday party."

R: And our last couple of examples, "I know some good golf shops."
"I know several good golf shops."
Here you can compare, "some" is that blurry image, some golf shops, whereas several good golf shops is talking about specific clear good golf shops.
One last time, "I know some good golf shops."
"I know several good golf shops."

C: OK, well done guys.
R: Excellent work.

◆ Ending
O: Hey, let's go to a sushi bar.
R: Oh, that's great! Yeah, I'm hungry.
O: Some time.
C: Ha, ha… I thought it was too good to be true.
R: Ugh…
All: Bye!


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 178  Wednesday, December 21

◆ Opening
C: Hey guys, you're supposed to be speaking in English. "Charm point" is not English. You have to say "attractive point," OK?
R: That is very true. Akino Roza desu.
C: Chris McVay desu.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK guys, are you ready to practice? Today, we're continuing our focus on the word "some." So, let's look at a few more advanced uses of "some," but all retain the basic blurry image, OK?

(retain 持ち続ける)

R: And here's some advice from me. Remember to think in English when you practice.
C: Hmm... good advice, Roza. Let's begin, "Would you like some coffee?"
"Do you need some help?"

R: Let's continue, "For some reason, she quit the job."
"I agree with you to some extent."

C: OK, here we go again, "She married some Italian guy."
Once more, "She married some Italian guy."

R: And the last couple of examples, "We can sit on some of them."
"He didn't answer some of my questions."

C: OK, excellent job.
R: That was really something guys.

------- ちょっと解説 -------

She married some Italian guy.  彼女はどこかのイタリア人の男と結婚したよ。
She is married to some Italian guy. 彼女はどこかのイタリア人の男と結婚しているよ。

● married  marry は自動詞なので、動詞marryのあとに「結婚する相手」を置くことで「〜と結婚する」という意味になります。 
"to" を使うのは、「結婚している」という状態にフォーカスするときですよ~。

● be動詞+married to = 「結婚している」という状態 married with は使いません。

◆ Ending
O: Hey guys, I like to work at home. How about you, Chris?
C: Well, I don't mind working at home but I prefer to meet people face to face. I'm a social animal.
R: I also prefer to work in person with you guys.
O: Oh, how sweet of you.
All: Bye!


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 179  Thursday, December 22

◆ Opening
R: Akino Roza here.
C: Chris McVay here. Wow! We're getting so close to the end of the year. Time flies, doesn't it?
R: You can say that again.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK, it's practice time again. Today, we are looking at the word "any."

The basic image of "any" is freedom of choice. If you imagine a magician doing a typical card trick, he might say, "Pick a card, any card." So, you can choose whichever of the 52 cards. That image might help you when you want to use this word "any." Let's practice together.

R: And remember, think in English.

C: "anyone"
You can feel the freedom already, right? "Does anyone have any questions?"

R: Can we go on to the next few examples?
C: Sure, anytime.

R: "I don't like any sports."
"I don't like any sports."

C: "John is taller than any other boy in his class."
Once more, "John is taller than any other boy in his class."

R: And our last example, "I don't like any of their songs."
"I don't like any of their songs."

C: Not even one?
R: Not even one.
C: Ugh... Well done guys. Good practice.
R: I hope you liked our examples. That was great.

◆ Ending
O: Time flies.
All: Bye!


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 180  Friday, December 23

◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone, welcome back to the review. This is Akino Roza.
C: Chris McVay here. It's review time, so, relax, open your ears, and do your best.

◆ Ending
O: Hey guys, what would you like to get for Christmas?
C: You know, I'd like to get an expensive, fancy, coffee making machine.
O: How about you, Roza?
R: Well, I'd like to get a horse.
O: M-U-R-I, 無理!

ラジオ英会話 12/12 - 12/16, 2022

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 171  Monday, December 12

◆ Opening
R: そーなんだねぇ~。Akino Roza here.
C: Chris McVay here. Can I smell curry in the studio?
R: I'm getting hungry.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK, guys. It's the moment you've all been waiting for. It's practice time. And today, we're going to practice "bare plurals" and "uncountable nouns" alongside each other. So, are you ready?

(bare plurals, 裸複数名詞、無冠詞複数名詞)

Here we go, "I love dogs."
You say, it's not this dog. It's not my dog. It's just dogs in general, and that's what the bare plurals do.
"I love sports cars."
"I love wine."
"I love cheese."

R: OK, now let’s continue to some longer sentences.
"Cats are highly intelligent animals."
"Water boils at 100 ℃"
"Computers have changed our daily life a lot."

C: Good, and the final one, "We need potatoes, leeks, garlic and olive oil."
"How about cheese?"
"We need potatoes, leeks, garlic and olive oil."
"How about cheese?"

C: (You) did a good job, guys.
R: That was fantastic.

◆ Ending
O: Hey guys, which do you prefer rice or bread?
R: Hmm... that's a difficult question. I love both.
C: I'm gonna (going to) go for bread. How about you?
R: Yeah, Sensei, what about you?
O: I prefer ナン.

(インド料理に出てくる nann と none を掛けているのでしょう)


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 172  Tuesday, December 13

◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone, this is Akino Roza. Ready for today's lesson?
C: Hi guys, Chris McVay here. Uh... Roza, can I bother you for a second?
R: Well, just for a second.
C: It doesn't matter. I'm just practicing.
R: Uh!!

◆ During the Japanese translation part
★ That's good news the poor raccoon wasn't hurt.
本来は it that になるべきかたち
It's good news that the poor raccoon wasn't hurt.
でもここでは That が使われています。

O: Hey Chris, what kind of impression do you get from this construction?
C: Well, we have a strong impression is expressed first followed by a clear explanation with nothing in the middle. The end result is a very strong impact as a statement.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK, guys, it's practice time. Today, we're looking at the word "the." This is one of the most common words in English and it's a nightmare for learners.

But we're hoping you will be able to use it better if you focus on our image of just that one. Keep that in your head and you'll do a lot better, I hope.

OK, let's get started. "I talked to a businessperson during my flight to London. The guy was so kind."

OK, it's very clear? That guy that the person was talking to, it's only one, right? So, "the guy."

Once more, "I talked to a businessperson during my flight to London. The guy was so kind."

R: Next example, "Can you close the door?"
Here again, there is probably just one open door, so "the" is used here.
"Can you close the door?"

C: OK, moving on, "Look at the penguins over there?"
"the United States of America"
"the Yamadas"

C: There you go, little by little, you're gonna (going to) get used to the use of "the."
R: That was excellent.

◆ Ending
C: That's right, the main message is to relax because "the" is so difficult.


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 173  Wednesday, December 14

◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone, Akino Roza here. Let's get started.
C: Chris McVay here. Let's enjoy our English practice together.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: Hi guys, are you ready to practice? Today, we're going to continue looking at the word "the." We're gonna (going to) give you lots of examples and all of them have the same unique, これっきゃない image.

OK, here we go, "It's not the only one in town."
"It will be the first vegan ramen I've tried."

R: Continuing on, "the earth"
"the world"
"the sun"
"the moon"
That was easy, right?

C: OK, few more, "You've picked the right place."
"He's the right person for the job."
"The problem is that ~."
"The thing is that ~."

R: And our last few examples, "Where is the restroom?"
"Where is the city hall?"
"She's gone to the bank."
"She's gone to the supermarket."

C: Well done guys. Little by little, are you getting used to "the"? We hope so.
R: Just keep on practicing.
C: Uh-huh.
R: You're doing great.

◆ Ending
O: Hey guys, I want to continue talking but the problem is that I'm starving.
C: I see, but the thing is that you have no choice.
R: Sensei, we just had lunch and you're starving again?


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 174  Thursday, December 15

◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone. This is Akino Roza.
C: Hi guys, let's enjoy today's lesson. Chris McVay here.

◆ During the Japanese translation part
★ the air guitar
O: Chris, could you explain this phrase to the audience?

C: Air guitar is when you pretend to be playing a heavy metal electric guitar, and then, you make wild gestures while imagining the shrieking sounds of a real rock guitar.

(shrieking 金切声のような、エレキギターの高い音)

R: But you don't actually have a guitar, right?
C: That's right. You just imagine, you are pretending.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK guys. Are you ready to practice? This will be our final practice of the word "the." And this time, we're focusing on the way describes the common image of something, rather than the actual thing. OK? Let's try together.

R: And the thing to keep in mind is to think in English.

C: OK, here we go, "You play the violin like a pro."
So, we're not looking at a particular specific violin, just the instrument, the common image of the violin. So, we'll try that once more, "You play the violin like a pro."
"I often listen to the radio."
"Please call the police."

R: Let's do one more example. Here too, we're talking about the general version of the words that we use "the" in front of. OK? Let's try, "The poor are getting poorer, the rich are getting richer."

You see that there? Let's try one more time, "The poor are getting poorer, the rich are getting richer."

C: OK, and the final group, "the giant panda"
"The car is the most convenient way of transportation."
So again, we're not speaking about my car. We're talking about the image of a car.

So, let's try that once more, "The car is the most convenient way of transportation."

And the final one which is my favorite, "The British gentleman is a dying breed."
Once more, "The British gentleman is a dying breed."

R: That was excellent.
C: That was wonderful. Well done, guys.

◆ Ending
O: Hey guys, is the British gentleman extinct?
C: Well, we can't say it's extinct, but it's endangered spices.

(endangered species 絶滅の危機にある生物のこと)

O: Uh-huh.
R: Well of course, we can't say it's extinct. We have one right here -- Chris.
C: Ta-da!


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 175  Friday, December 16

◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone, welcome back. Thanks for joining us for Friday's review. This is Akino Roza.
C: Chris McVay here. Yes, let's enjoy the review together. Here we go.

◆ Ending
O: Hey guys, have you ever won the lottery?
C: Yes, I've won the lottery several times.
O: Really!?
C: In my dreams.
R: Actually yes. I won the lottery when I met you guys. I'm the luckiest person in the world.
C: You can say that again.

遠山顕の英会話入門  秋号 Dialog 7

遠山顕の英会話入門  秋号 Dialog 7

Chose the Right One!
K: So, we need to find a wrong statement.
J: The wrong statement.
Y: That's right, the wrong statement.
K: Not a right statement. So, what do you think Jeff?

J: No. 1, "Apnashi pears have brownish skins." Um... I think this is a pretty good candidate because I don't think it was Aonashis that have brownish skins, right?
K: Right.
J: It was the Akanashi that had brownish skin.
K: How true. Yeah.
Y: That's my impression too.
K: So, I think this is a pretty good candidate. But we haven't heard Julia's answer yet.

Y: OK. No, 2, "Some people don't eat nashi pares' skins." So, this is a correct statement.
K: Right.
Y: So, it is the wrong answer.
K: True.
Y: That's my opinion. Uh... Ken?
K: Yeah?
Y: ... your answer?

K: Same thing goes for mine. "Noshi pares bruise easily. That's right.
Y: Uh-huh.
J: Yes.
K: So, what's right here is the wrong answer.
Y: That's right. How complicated.
K: Yeah.
J: Hmm...

K: So ...
All: The correct answer is ...
J: No. 1, " Apnashi pears have brownish skins."

J: Good job! Way to go!
Y: Nice. Yeah. You did it!

Write It!
◆ 男性は
Y: Yeah, when it's understood that we were talking about a specific person.
K: That's right.
Y: Yesh, we usually use a definite article "the," and say "the man."

(definite article 定冠詞)

J: Definitely!
Y: Definite article. Hmm...
K: All right.

◆ 天然の水分補給ドリンクである梨
J: Right. Well, here's the way that I would do it if I were you. Uh... I would say "Noshi pares or natural thirst quenchers."

◆ ……についてたくさんのことを知ります
K: 知るというのは、Know ....
Y: Yeah, when you acquire new knowledge, you know, you learn, right? So, you can use "lean" to say that, "learn a lot about 何々."

J: I know they did.
Y: Me too.
J: They always do.
K: All right.
J: Way to go!

Sign Off
K: Well, you know, in the "Say It!" corner, we introduced Mother Goose "Msmegayu" rhyme.
J: Oh, that's right.
Y: Or "Peas Porridge Rhyme."
J: Uh-huh.
K: Oh, year, there you go.
J: It's almost a nonsensical song, but people love it.
K: Oh, yeah. And the song goes ...

Pease porridge hot,
Pease porridge cold,
Pease porridge in the pot,
Nine days old.
Some like it hot,
Some like it cold,
Some like it in the pot,
Nine days old.

Y: Really nine days old?
J: Seriously, no way!
Y: Ooo....

K: I like my curry one day old.
J: Me too.
Y: Me three.

ラジオ英会話 12/5 - 12/9, 2022

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 165  Monday, December 5

◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone, this is Akino Roza. Ready for today's lesson?
C: Hi guys, today the train stopped. So, I ended up coming to the studio by hitchhike.
R: Nice one, Chris.

(end up 結局、最後には)
(by hitchhike 今日の話題、俳句にかけて ヒッチハイクと言っていますが、文法的には by hitchhiking かもしれませんね)

C: Anyway, I hope you are all looking forward to today's lesson.

◆ Right after the Japanese translation part
R: Although our textbook doesn't have any haiku, it has a section called "Chris's Ramblings." Check it out.

(rambling とりとめのない)

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK guys, it's practice time again. And today, we're looking at the word "up."

Now, it has a simple image of movement in an upward direction. But I think you are going to be amazed by how this naturally leads to a massive variety of uses. It might mean more work for you though. Anyway, let's get started with the practice.

(in an upward direction 上方向に、上方に、上に向かって)

R: And guys, listen up. You'd better just think in English when you practice. OK?

C: "stand up"
"get up"
"give up"
"look up to"
"speak up"
"listen up"
"Prices went up."

R: Let's continue. "Something has come up."
"What's up?"
"think up"
"come up with"

C: OK, and a few more, "Fill it up."
"Shut up."
"drink ~ up"
"eat ~ up"
"clean ~ up"
"be fed up with ~"

R: And the last few, "Cheer up."
"wake up"
"stay up"
"sit up"

C: Well, as we often say, never give up.
R: You'll find your English skills going up, up, up.

◆ Ending
O: Hey guys, could you please speak up? I can't hear you.
C: It would help if you take off your earphones.
O: Oops!
R: It's OK. We forgive you because it's you.


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 166  Tuesday, November 6

◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone, Akino Roza here. Chris, you look so stylish today.
C: Chris McVay here. Well, thank you, Roza. You know, Brits can be as fashionable as the French or Italians, you know.

New Yorker(ニューヨークっ子)
Londoner (ロンドンっ子)

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK, it's practice time, and today we're focusing on "down," which, of course, is the opposite of "up." And once again, I'm sure you'll be amazed at the variety of uses that come from just the simple image of a downward movement. So, let's do it.

R: Wait, wait, wait, Chris, slow down.
C: Oh, sorry. I'm a bit fast.
R: I need to mention that you guys should think only in English. OK?

C: Let's begin, "sit down"
"fall down"
"look down on"
"slow down"
"boil down the sauce"
"Prices went down."
"The temperatures are going down these days."

R: "Two problems down, one to go."
Let's try that one more time, "Two problems down, one to go."

C: OK, a few more, "My car breaks down every week!"
"My computer is down again."
Yeah, I know that problem.
"shut down the factory"
"have a nervous breakdown"

R: And let's continue to the last few, OK?
"feel down"
"calm down"
"settle down"
"cool down"
"I won't let you down."
"She is down with the flu."

C: So, lots of, lots of examples for you to practice. Good luck!
R: And remember, practice makes perfect.
C: Uh-huh.

◆ Ending
O: Hey guys, we are down to the last few seconds.
C: So, we'd better say...
OC: Bye!
R: Bye!


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 168  Wednesday, November 7

◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone, Akino Roza here.
C: Hi guys, Chris McVay here. I don't know why I get on well with you, Roza, but you know what they say, "Opposites attract."

(get on well with 仲良くやっていく)

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK, it's practice time, and today we're focusing on "out." It's a very small word but just from a simple image, you'll be surprised at the variety of usages.

OK, let's start, "The truth will out."
"Is she going out with Derek?"
"Watch out!"
"Get out!"
"carry out the plan"

R: Let's continue, "get out of control"
"rule out the possibility"
"drop out of the marathon"
"It's out of order."
"It's out of use."
"It's out of date."

C: OK, a few more, "We can work it out."
"He helped me out."
"I'll talk him out of breaking up with her."

R: And the last few, "We're running out of milk."
"Fill out this form."
"Just hear me out!"
"I'm tired out.”
"a well thought-out plan"

C: Well, maybe you get tired out with all this practice but it's well worth it in the end. Well done, guys.
R: Yeah, you all did great.

◆ Ending
O: Hey, we are running out of time.
C: No, we are not.
R: Hey listeners, don't worry. It's just a little disagreement. I'm sure they'll work things out. See you next time.
All: bye.


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 169  Thursday, November 8

◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone, Akino Roza here. I wonder what's happening in today's lesson.
C: Hi guys, Chris McVay here. Roza, what on earth? What are you doing here?
R: Strange timing!

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK, guys. Are you ready to practice? Today, we're looking at the word "off." Onishi-sensei has already described the image very well. Basically, it's the opposite of "on." So, let's enjoy practicing lots of examples.

R: And remember to practice thinking in English.

(finish, enjoy, practice などの単語の後はing形)

C: OK, here we go, "Hans off!"
"The teacher told me off."

R: Continuing on, "You have to take off your shoes."
"I'm getting off at Shibuya station."
"put off the meeting until tomorrow"
"I'm off."

C: OK, a few more, "I'm off today."
So, normally you would be at work, but シュyou are away from work. There, you have the image of "off."
"I had to take a day off."
"get off work at seven"
"go off-duty"
"turn your phone off"
"turn the TV off"
"It's snowed on and off."

R: And let's try the last few examples, "kick off"
"start off"
"show off"
"Hey, this milk is off."

C: OK, and don't put off practicing, right? This is really important. Well done, guys.
R: That's right. You were magnificent.

◆ Ending
O: Hey guys, I want to show off but I have nothing to show off.
C: I could have told you that.


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 170  Friday, December 9

◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone, welcome to the review, review, review ... This is Akino Roza, Roza, Roza ...
C: Hi guys, Chris McVay here. Here is your chance to show off by getting all the answers right. Good luck!

◆ Ending
R: Hey guys, you like computers, right? Chris, you carry your computer all over the place.
C: Well, it's not that I like computers but I can't live without them. How about you, Sensei?
O: Yeah, I like computers, especially fast ones.

遠山顕の英会話入門  秋号 Dialog 6

遠山顕の英会話入門  秋号 Dialog 6

K: Are you ready, Julia.
Y: OK. This time, I'm breading first.
J: Ha ha ha ... big breath.
Y: OK. Here goes.

Y: Yes!

All: Outstanding!

Chose the Right One!

K: Well, let's get back to those candidates. Jeff, would you let us know your take?

J: Right, No. 1, "The man loves nashi pears because they're big."
K: Hmm...
J: Well, he is impressed with the size, but hmm... I'm not sure if this is the right one or not. I I'll have to listen to the other two explanations first.

Y: OK, then, I'll go with No. 2, "Nashi pears have a high-water content." Well, this definitely sounds like a correct answer.
K: Yeah, it is a fact, right?
Y: Yeah.
J: Yes. Hmm...
Y: Well, Ken?

K: OK. Mine will not be a good one. Now I know. "Nashi pears keeps you dehydrated. This is out of the question.
J: Uh-huh.
K: It's not the word "dehydrated" we should be used here. We should be used "hydrated."
Y: Definitely.

K: So ...
All: The correct answer is ...
Y: No. 2, "Nashi pears have a high-water content."

J: That's tricky.
Y: Well, tricky, tricky.
J: Well done.

Write It!
◆ 男性は……ということに驚きます
J: Right. There are two ways to say this to make a sentence out of it. The first way would be "the man is surprised that plus clause."
K: Uh-huh.
J: And the other way is to take out "that." So, it would be "the man is surprised, plus clause."

◆ 西洋梨
Y: That would be "western pears."

J: I believe they did.
Y: Me too.
K: All right.
J: Well done.
Y: Yeah, good job.
J: Yeah!

Sign Off
K: Well, here's a question. How do you compare western pears and nashi pears?
Y: Well, nashi pears are definitely juicer and larger too:
K: How true.

J: And nashi pares are round like an apple, and western pears are more of the true pear shape or what most people think of when they think of a pear shape.

Y: That's right.

K: Nashi pears have a light taste. It's uh...
Y: Uh-huh.
K: ... kind of bland, even. Oh, I shouldn't say that.

(bland 〔食べ物などが〕味気ない、風味がない、水っぽい)

J: Wow, we've learned a lot so far.
Y: Yeah. It's educational.
K: And well prepared.

Y: You took the words right out of my mouth.
J: Hey, I was going to say that.
K: Oh, yeah?