英会話入門 Dialog 2

英会話入門 Dialog 2

Dialog 2
◆ Chose the Right One!
K: What are the possible answers?
K: Well, what do you think of your answer, Jeff?
J: Hmm... Well, my answer "Yes, she mentioned one big thing." Um... I don't think this is it, because, I think there's more than one.
Carolyn how about your answer?
C: Well, my answer was, "Yes, she mentioned a log of things." But I'm not sure if she said "a lot of things."
What about No.3, Ken?
K: My answer was, "Yes, she mentioned a couple of things." This is exactly what Olivia said.
J: Right.
KCJ: So, the right answer is No.3, "Yes, she mentioned a couple of things."

C: Hey.
J: All right.
C: Good job.
J: Good job.

◆ Write It!
K: I was late today because there was a train delay.
J: Yes, that's right. In English, generally the effect is first and the cause is second. So, it would be "Noah is very upset because 何々."

K: He is thinking ~ でどうでしょう?
C: Well, yeah, I guess if you are to do it direct translation from the Japanese, it would be "He is thinking." But in English, I would recommend writing "He thinks" not "He is thinking."

C: Oh, yeah.
J: I'm sure they did.
C: Good work as always.
J: You rock.

◆ Ending
C: Jeff, can I ask you a kind of um... personal question?
J: I guess, sure!
C: How did you meet your significant other?
J: Uh... you mean...
C: Your wife.
J: Well, it's a long story.
K: We have time.
J: And it's complicated.
C: Make it simple.
J: Well...
K: “Well” is a hole in the ground.

ラジオ英会話 4/11-4/15, 2022

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 6  Monday, April 11

◆ Opening
R: Sensei, to be honest, I don't believe in that kind of stuff.
Hey, everyone, Akino Roza here. Ready for today's lesson?
C: Chris McVay here. And I hate to say this, but I have the same opinion as Roza.
O&R: [Laughter]
C: Very, very rare but anyway, let's go with it.

★ I'll tell you what. のニュアンス
O: So, could you explain the nuance of "I'll tell you what" in this situation?
S: Sure. Well, you use "I'll tell you what" when you right before you introduce a good offer to the other person.
C: That's right. And you know, the person is reluctant that is, you know, he doesn't really want to do it like here, "I don't believe in this kind of stuff."
So, you're opening up. You're giving, you're offering something that will make him actually try.

(reluctant 気がすすまない、乗り気ではない)

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK, guys, let's continue our practice of "make." Now, we really insist on the basic image because every use of "make" comes from the same basic image.

Now, if we look at today's phrases, they're all about pushing, pressuring someone to do something. It can be positive or negative, but this image of the clay in your hands, do you remember?

So, let's begin with this one. "Don't make me laugh."

Pretty good. Once more with that image in mind. "Don't make me laugh."

R: Next up is another long one, but let's do our best, OK? "No one can make me change my mind." "No one can make me change my mind."

R: Fantastic!
C: And the final one: "What makes you feel really proud?"

So, again, all the things that come together to get you to the goal of feeling proud. One last time, are you ready? "What makes you feel really proud?"

C: Great job you did today. Well done.
R: Excellent!

◆ Ending
O: Roza...
R: Huh?
O: I just can't make myself love you. I'm so sorry.
R: You don't have to apologize. I don't want you to love me. In fact, I prefer that way.
C: Hey, guys, guys, settle down. Listen, I just wanna (want to) say, "You can't make me NOT love you."
O: Ooo... How sweet of you.


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 7  Tuesday, April 12

◆ Opening
O: Hey, Chris. I have some good news for you.
C: Oh, great. What's that?
O: I've lost some weight.
C: Uh... Why is that good news for me?
O: Uh... You have to carry me when I'm drunk, right? So, that's why it's good news.
C: Oh, now, if you look at it that way. Yeah.

R: Akino Roza です。
C: Chris McVay here. Look, I'm still recovering from Onishi-sensei's opening. So, let's carry on.

(carry on 続ける continue an activity or task)

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK. Let's practice the new verb "have." This we use so often, right? Now, unlike "make," which implies a lot of action, "have" is a static verb.

(static 静止した、動かない / static verb 状態動詞)

So, we're gonna (going to) focus on position. For example, I have two brothers. Two brothers are next to me, close to me, all around me. It's all about position with "have," OK?

Let's practice together, "have two windows," "have a brother."

So, here we are. The "two windows," "the brother" are next to us, around us. That’s all. Bear that in mind, and that's the practice today.
Last chance, "have two windows." Try it. "Have a brother."

(bear that in mind  心に留めておく)

C: Excellent.
R: Here is the next example, "have a lot of rain," "have a lot of rain."

C: Great. Let's move on, "have an accident," "have a party," "have a checkup." Let's just practice one of these.

"Have an accident," OK? "Have," an accident is around you or caring around you. So, here we go. "Have an accident." Try it.

One last time with the same feeling, "have an accident."

C: Good!
R: And in the last example, here too we have something that's close. So, "have a headache."

You have a headache. It's in your head. It's very close.
"Have a doubt." You have a doubt. It's inside you. So, let's practice again. "Have a headache," "have a doubt."

C: Great job.
R: Excellent!

◆ Ending
O: I have good news and bad news.
C: What is the news?
O: I have good news and bad news.
R: Well, tell me the bad news first.
O: I have good news and bad news.
C: Will you just tell us the news?
R: Yeah.
O: I'm just practicing, you know.
R: Ugh...
C: That's very bad news.
R: I have a terrible headache.


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 8  Wednesday, April 13

◆ Opening
C: Hi, guys. Chris McVay here. Ah!!
R: What? What was that, Chris?
C: I just wanted to surprise you, Roza.
R: That was not a good surprise, Chris. Hey, everyone, Akino Roza here. I guess today's lesson will be full of surprises.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK, guys, let's continue our practice of "have." Remember that "have" is static. There's no action. So, the basic image is just of "closeness."
And this same basic image is useful for non-physical abstract things as well, like "authority."

(abstract 抽象的な)

It's so close. It's actually inside you, but the basic image of closeness is what remains.

First, let us practice a concrete example. Are you ready? "Have a driver's license on me." Try it.

That's right. The closeness of the driver's license, right? It's what you possess. So, with that in mind, here we go again. "Have a driver's license on me."

C: Well done.
R: OK. Up next is "have a say," "have a choice."
One more time, "have a say," "have a choice."

C: OK? And the next one, "have the authority to 〜."

C: Here we see it’s an abstract thing, right? But you have the power, you have the control inside you. So, this basic image of closeness is still the same. So, again. Here we go. "Have the authority to 〜."

R: And the last one, "have an effect on 〜," "have an influence on 〜."

R: Great job!
C: That's it. Excellent job.

◆ Ending
O: Hey, guys, tell me who's had the greatest influence on you?
R: Well, for me, I would say it's not one particular person, but a lot of the teachers that I've met throughout my life have had a great influence on me. What about you, Chris?

C: Lots of people, but I would choose one, um… well, I've never met, but the book, this is Victor Frankl, and his book "Man's Search for Meaning" had a great influence on me.

(Man's Search for Meaning 夜と霧)


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 9  Thursday, April 14

◆ Opening
R: Hey, everyone, Akino Roza here. Let's get started.
C: Chris McVay here. Looks like the only important thing is "voice."

★ on the internet なぜ on が使われるのでしょう?
O: So, why do you use "on" here?
R: Well, because we think of the internet as a sort of platform.
C: Right. And you imagine, right? A platform is a wide flat space where you can stand on. That's the image with internet too.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK, guys, let's further deepen our knowledge of "have." Now we've said that "have" is basically static, but it can be used to introduce certain activities indirectly.

"Have dinner" -- It doesn't sound like much action is there, but actually behind the scenes it is. So "have" can be used in these cases. So, let's practice some of these phrases together.

R: And remember! Don't think in Japanese.
C: So, "have tea." Try it. "Have dinner," "have a call." That's it.

R: OK, up next is "have a bath," have a drink," "have a fight," "have a try," "have a talk."

C: And the very short one, "be had." Imagine the activity involved there, "be had."
Once more, "be had."

R: And the last, "can’t have such behavior," "won't have such behavior."

R: Great job!
C: Excellent. Well done.

◆ Ending
O: Hey, guys. Have you ever been had?
R: Well, I think Chris went to a very expensive restaurant the other day, and he felt like he had been had.
C: Roza?
R: Yes?
C: The answer is "I've never been had," because I'm far too smart, OK?
R: If you say so.


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 10  Friday, April 15

◆ Opening
R: Hey, everyone. Akino Roza here.
C: Hi, guys. Chris McVay here. Revenge is sweet. Let's get going.

◆ Ending
O: Hey, guys. Have you ever bought a fake?
R: Well, I've never bought a fake. But I do love those TV shows where the person brings their antique piece to the show, and they tell the person if it's a real antique or not.
C: Yeah, actually there was a show in England which was really popular called the Antiques Roadshow. And I remember people would arrive and say, "Ha!" And they have a twinkling in their eye." They think they're gonna (going to) become millionaires, and the guy says, "This is worthless, five pounds at most." ボーンDeflated.

(deflated  がっかり、タイヤなどが空気の抜けた、 膨らんでいた物がしぼんだ、having suddenly lost confidence / feeling less confident and positive than before)

英会話入門 Dialog 1


Come on in!
Welcome to Ken's Eikaiwa Nyumon Anytime.
K: Hi I'm Ken Toyama.
And here with me are ...

C: Hi, there. I'm Carolyn Miller. It's great to have you here.
K: And ...
J: Hi, I'm Jeff Mannig. It's great to be working with you.
K: So, are you ready, guys?
C: Ken, I'm as ready as I'll ever be.
J: I'm ready when you are ready, Ken.
K: Okey-dokey. Let's get the ball rolling.
CJ: Here we go.

Dialog 1
◆ Choose the Right One!
K: Jeff, what do you think of your answer?
J: Well, my answer No. 1, "No, there is nothing she can do for him." Uh... is not a good candidate, I think. Because she actually agrees to do something for him. And that leads us to No. 2., Carolyn?
C: Well, my answer was, "Yes, she can meet him." And, to be honest, I think it might be a possibility. Oh, what about your answer, Ken?
K: Uh, my answer, "Yes, she can marry him." is out of the question.

KCJ: So, the right answer is .... No.2, "Yes, she can meet him."
KCJ: You did it!

◆ Write It!
J: Right. For this part, you have the expression "want to" and "Noah wants to 何々." And this suggest that he hopes to have something happen or he desires to have something happen.
C: Well, we just heard Jeff introduced, uh, the expression "want to," but here, we have a different expression or different pattern, which is "need to."
K: Ah..
C: ... which I recommend using. So, it would be "Ema needs to 何々." And here, using "need to" has a practical, logical and objective nuance to it.

K: さあ、うまくいきましたか?
C: Oh, yeah.
J: I think they did.
K: All right.
J: All right.
C: Good work.
K: You rock.

◆ Ending
K: Well, Carolyn…
C: Uh-huh.
K: Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
K: You really did well too.
J: Oh, thank you.
C: Really?
K: Yeah.
C: I didn't see it coming.
J: I never thought that coming.
K: Well, come on! You know better than that.
C&J: We're just kidding.
K: Ah, okay.
J: Ken, you did well too.
K: I know.
J: Ah... I kind of knew he was going to say.
C: Yeah.
J: I saw that coming.
K: Excuse me?
C: Oh, yeah.

ラジオ英会話 4/4-4/8, 2022

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 1  Monday, April 4

◆ Opening
R: Hey, everyone, Akino Roza here.
C: Hi, guys, Chris McVay here. You're right, Roza. If you guys stick with us, you're gonna (going to) make amazing progress and have fun along the way.

(along the way = 道中、ここに至るまでに、進行中に during the time that something is happening or that you are doing something)

◆ Feel English
C: OK, everyone, let's practice these phrases with the feeling of "make." I want you to imagine you have a ball of clay in your hands. You press here, you pull there until you've created the shape you want. This is the image you should keep in mind for all these phrases. OK?

R: And of course, remember, don't think in Japanese.

C: Right. Here's the first phrase. You repeat after me. "Make an appointment."
"Make an appointment."

C: OK, let's move on to the next phrase. Are you ready? "Make time." "Make money."

R: OK, let's keep going. And remember that image of "make" in your mind. OK?
"Make a mistake." "Make a mistake."

R: Here's the last one. "Make an effort." "Make an effort."

R&C: Great job!

◆ Ending
R: That's right, guys. So, be sure to listen every day.
C: And you know, being scared of making mistakes is a big mistake. Try to fall in love with mistakes. That's the best way to really improve your spoken English.


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 2  Tuesday, April 5

◆ Opening
R: Hey, everyone, Akino Roza here. Chris, we're going to land on the surface of the lesson, I mean.
C: Oh, the lesson has a surface. I see. I didn't know that. Hi, everyone, Chris McVay here. But I hope you help us land smoothly on this amazing surface, which I’ve never heard of.

◆ Feel English
C: OK, guys, are you ready to practice a little more deeply? We want you to remember what we said before about this shaping, pressing, pulling, right? And in this case, in these phrases, it's all about doing everything that's possible to reach a successful conclusion. Here's the first phrase. You repeat after me. "Make it to the party." "Make it to the party."
C: Try after me again. "Make it to the party."
R: OK, guys, Here's the next phrase. Repeat after me. "Make it by five." "Make it by five."
R: Great! One last time, "Make it by five."
C: And the next one. Are you ready? "Make it as a professional golfer." "Make it as a professional golfer."
C: So, you'll do everything possible. You'll pull, you'll press until you reach that goal of becoming a professional golfer. Once more with that in mind. "Make it as a professional golfer."
R: And the last one. "You can make it." "You can make it."
R: It has that exciting feeling, right? One last time, "You can make it."
R: Perfect!

◆ Ending
C: Yeah, we hope you like the new format. Stick with us and you can definitely make it.
R: We'll see you all tomorrow.


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 3  Wednesday, April 6

◆ Opening
O: Peacock and Jessica, I can see it coming.

(see it coming それが起こりそうな気配を感じる to expect something to happen)

R: Hey, everyone, Akino Roza here. I bet you're looking forward to today's lesson.
C: Chris McVay here. Roza, why are you smiling from ear to ear, at the moment? Is it because you're with us? Or is it something to do with Professor Peacock?

(Roza, why are you smiling from ear to ear, at the moment? の最後の部分、for the moment とも聞こえますが、それですと、意味がちょっと通らないかもしれません)
(at the moment ちょうどその時)
(for the moment 今のところは)

R: Let's find out.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK guys. Shall we continue our great practice sessions?
R: And remember, don't think in Japanese. OK?
C: Today, well, I want to concentrate on collocations, いい組み合わせ, because "make" has a wide variety of collocations.

For example, "make a speech." Why not "do a speech?" Why is "make a speech" perfect? ... Because of the basic image of shaping it. It needs lots of preparation until you've got the final beautiful successful product. So, keep that in mind while we practice all these phrases, right? After me, "Make a speech." "Make a speech."
And another one, "Make a choice." "Make a choice."
R: Here is the next one, "Make sure." "Make sure."

C: Great! Here is a good one, "Make a good teacher."
But it takes a lot of preparation and training to make a good teacher, right? Therefore, "make" is the perfect collocation. Let's try once more with that in mind, "make a good teacher."
R: And the last one, "What do you make of her?" "What do you make of her?"
R: Great job.
C: Well done guys, excellent.

(collocation 複数の単語からなるが、まとまった形で単語と同様に用いられる言語表現 common word combinations / a word or phrase that is often used with another word or phrase / the combination of words formed when two or more words are often used together in a way that sounds correct)

◆ Ending
O: Hey guys, today's dialog was like a horror movie, wasn't it?
R: I can't wait to see what develops.
C: But I think you've made up your mind already.

(develop 事を新たな段階に発展させる、事が新たな段階に発展する grow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced)


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 4  Thursday, April 7

◆ Opening
R: Ugh! That was so awful. I'm crying, Chris. Akino Roza here.
C: Chris McVay here. I don't care because I'm feeling a little homesick with talk of scones and things like that.

◆ Right after the Japanese translation part
C: Well, I'm sure our textbook will not make you feel homesick. It will make you feel soooooo happy.
O: I guess so.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: Today, let's focus on a typical sentence structure with "make." "Make" plus "object" plus "complement." So, let's practice together in order to catch this rhythm of these make phrases. Are you ready?

(object 目的語 / complement 補語)

R: And remember, don't use Japanese.
C: Good point, Roza. Here we go. "He made his dad big."
C: One more time. "He made his dad big."
R: Next, repeat after me. "Make mine the fish burger." "Make mine the fish burger."
C: And the next one. Are you ready? "Make yourself at home."
Can you feel the rhythm, the flow? パンパンパンパンパン♪ Once more. "Make yourself at home."
R: And here is the last example. "I made myself understood in English."
A bit long, but let's try once more. "I made myself understood in English."
R: Great!
C: Well done guys.

◆ Ending
C: What are you saying, Roza?

(What is he saying, Roza? とも聞こえなくもないですが、ネイティヴ・イングリッシュ・スピーカーに音声を聞いてもらったところ、What are you saying, Roza? と言っているとのことでした。)


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 5  Friday, April 8

◆ Opening
R: Hi everyone. This is Akino Roza. Welcome to our first review of the year.
C: Hi guys. Chris McVay here. Yes, it's our first review, review, review. So, let's get started.

◆ Ending
O: Hey, Roza...
R: Uh?
O: You like Kyoto a lot, right?
R: Yeah, I love Kyoto. I usually try to go at least once a year, especially in the autumn.
C: And, uh, have you ever dressed up as a Maiko?
R: I actually did a very long time ago.
C: Ah, photo please?

ビジネス英語 3/21-3/23, 2022

ビジネス英語 Lesson 70 Monday, March 21

I'm glad you brought that up. Because those kinds of gestures can create more confidence. The things that we say in our body language can change our ways of thinking in positive or negative ways. Takashi prepared well and he was open to feedback, which are big confidence boosters. Also, if you act confidently, it's likely that others will believe that you are confident and you'll start to believe that as well.


ビジネス英語 Lesson 71 Tuesday, March 22

◆ ジェニーさんは、タカシの成長ぶりをどのように感じていますか?
Well, looking back it's clear that he's grown in many ways. And his award certainly proves it. His open-mindedness, questioning skills and willingness to ask for advice seem to be the key factors. He overcame some anxiety with the presentation. But I think the confidence and experience he gained from that will pay off nicely for him. Congratulations are certainly in order.

(Congratulations are in order. お祝いの言葉がふさわしい、おめでとうにふさわしいです)


ビジネス英語 Lesson 72 Wednesday, March 23

◆ It was great experience for me. という文についてどう思いますか?
I think this is good. But it would be better to say why it was great. Saying that it was good because it was, say... a learning experience would show growth and improvement to help build his career and it also acknowledges all the hard work involved.

◆ メインの部分は、もう少しポジティブにならないでしょうか?
It would be better to keep this sentence on a positive or motivational note rather than a positive point but negative point. Also, there are some facts here that Lucy's aware of, so he could make it more about his observations.

◆ Jenny さん、最後にひと言おねがいします
I'm sure I said this a lot before, but it's all about keeping your email short and sweet with a little bit of a personal touch.

Make everything clear for the recipient and use lists if necessary. The person may be very busy. So, you want to make it as easy as possible for them by being clear, concise and friendly.

We covered a lot of phrases and patterns that are common in emails. So, I really hope you'll customize them to your situation and give them a try.

ラジオ英会話 3/21-3/25, 2022

ラジオ英会話  Lesson 236   Monday, March 21

R: Hey, everyone, Akino Roza here. Let's have a great day.
C: Hi, guys, Chris McVay here. Achoo! I can't stop sneezing.
R: Bless you. I become a sneezing man.

R: OK, guys, let's practice the key sentence together. Now, remember, the nuance behind these two is completely different. "A sneezing man" versus "a man sneezing." Completely normal, right? But "sneezing man," it sounds weird, right? So, that's the interesting part. Let's practice together. First, "sneezing man?" "Sneezing man?"
You feel that strangeness, "sneezing man?" Now, let's try the normal one. "A man sneezing."
Completely ordinally, right?
"A man sneezing."
Great job!

O: Yeah, shooting a TV program and radio program in the same week can be dangerous.
C: Well, you could always quit one of them.
O: Yeah, but I want to continue because there are so many keen learners.

(keen = 熱心な very interested, eager, or wanting to do something very much)


ラジオ英会話  Lesson 237   Tuesday, March 22

R: Hey, everyone, Akino Roza here.
C: Chris McVay here. You know, what I really want to say, I'm deeply honored to work with you guys.

C: OK, guys, ready to practice the key sentence? Here we go.
"We were able to recover most of the stolen things."
As you know very well by now, the order of words in English determines the meaning. So, if we have stolen in front of things, it explains the type of things... is it beautiful things, expensive things... no, stolen things. Here we go.
"We were able to recover most of the stolen things." Try it.

That's right. Keep this in mind, right? Once more. "We were able to recover most of the stolen things." Go.

That's it. Well done, guys.

O: Being surrounded by friends... Hmm... 男のロマンですねえ。
R: Have you ever actually experienced it?
O: Unfortunately, not.
C: Yeah, because I'm looking around here and I can't see any.
R: No, no. That just means we are like family.
C: Ah, okay.
O: Oh!


ラジオ英会話  Lesson 238   Wednesday, March 23

R: Akino Roza desu.
C: Hi, guys, Chris McVay here. More immediately, I'm glad this is the last recording before lunch because I could eat a horse.

R: I want to browse my textbook slowly. Let’s do some practice sentences as well.
C: Good idea.

O: TO know is one thing. (と to の部分を強く読むのは) This is wrong, right?
R: Yes.
O: To KNOW と後ろのほうが意味的に重要です。To は軽めに読みましょう。

C: Yeah, actually I think we all did really well, and I hope you guys learnt a lot. But remember, practice, practice, practice.

                    • -

(learn-learned-learned または、learn-learnt-learnt)


ラジオ英会話  Lesson 239   Thursday, March 24

R: Hey, everyone, welcome to the last regular lesson of the year. Akino Roza here.
C: Hi, guys, Chris McVay here. I wonder if you still think that Roza can be mysterious at times.
R: That's true.
C: Hmm...

(at times 時々、時たま)

C: Well, I don't think there is anything mysterious about our textbook. It's full of crystal-clear explanations of English grammar. Check it out.
O & R: That's true.

R: That's right guys. So, we hope you enjoyed the lessons this year and will see you for one last review tomorrow.
C: Hi guys, yes, it's been a long haul, but we've really enjoyed being with you. And we hope you've enjoyed learning as much as we've enjoyed teaching. Keep it up.

(a long haul 長時間にわたって、長期にわたる仕事 something that takes effort over a long time, rather than just a few days, weeks, etc.)


ラジオ英会話  Lesson 240   Friday, March 25

R: Hey, everyone, Akino Roza here. Welcome to the last review of the year. Let's get started.
C: Hi, everyone, Chris McVay here. Welcome to the last review of the year. Let's get started. I'm just repeating what you said, Roza.
R: Yes, you are.
C: Because it's (a) review, right?

R: That's right guys. So, this is our last lesson for the year. So, I just wanna thank you all for tuning in and listening every day.
C: Yes, it's been a long road, 240 lessons. Can you imagine? Thank you for your great stamina and keep it up because we are gonna start another year soon.

ビジネス英語 3/14-3/16, 2022

ビジネス英語 Lesson 67 Monday, March 14

◆ 住宅の内装についてジェニーさんならどんなところをしっかりとチェックしますか?
Well, I'd think about how I use my time at home and what would be the best fit for my lifestyle. I like a utilitarian interior that's also common, relaxing with lots of natural light. I know it can be a difficult balance to strike. What's important to you, Mr. Shibata?


ビジネス英語 Lesson 68 Tuesday, March 15

Yes. The conclusion is very important. It could be the determining factor of what kind of lasting impression the audience will take away. It's good to reiterate the most important points from the presentation while thanking the audience for their time.

(lasting impression 心に残る感銘)
(reiterate 繰り返す)


ビジネス英語 Lesson 69 Wednesday, March 16

◆ 出だしの部分はもう少し軽くならないでしょうか?
I think it would be best to use common phrasing to keep it compact.

I think it would be better to summarize the talks with the vendors in a more concise way. This explanation is rather long. So he should keep the focus on the feedback, putting it in the beginning of the sentence.

(concise 簡潔な)

◆ タカシのプレゼンテーションで特に良かったところは、どんなとことだと思いますか?
Takashi seems to have gotten a good response from his presentation, and I think this was because he did such a good job of answering questions thoroughly but with simple answers. I would say he came off as knowledgeable and trustworthy. Answering questions well is quite a skill.