8/24 - 8/25, 2020

遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, August 24

U R the ★
KCJ: That was a masterpiece. Definitely.

J: All right, Carolyn...
C: Uh-huh.
J: You are the star.
C: All right.

J: Oh, you got a shell lei.
C: Yes. It's for myself.
J: It's very nice.
C: I think it makes for a great souvenir.
J: Definitely!

(souvenir = 旅行・場所・出来事などの思い出となるような記念品、みやげ something you buy or keep to help you remember a holiday or special event)
日本語では、旅先で買ってきたお菓子などをよく「お土産」と言いますが、厳密に言うとお菓子はsouvenirには相当しません。Souvenir は旅の記念となる品物、例えば、キーホルダーやマグネット、旅先で買ったアクセサリーなどが相当します。

Say It!
K: Carolyn, are you ready five times in one breath?
C: Yap. I'm looking forward to doing this.
K: All right. Let's hear it.

C: The calligraphy is gorgeous! ×5

K: That was gorgeous.

KCJ: That was definitely a masterpiece!

Write It!
C: Yeah. Well, first of all, there are two ways I'd suggest writing this.
K: OK.
C: The first way is similar to the Japanese. It's a bit more formal if you use the verb "receive" here. So, in this case, it would be "Gordon receives the Goshuin."
K: All right.
C: The second way I think we could write this is using the verb "get."
K: OK.
C: And that sounds a little bit more casual, I think. And in that case, it would be "Gordon gets the Goshuin."
K: Thank you.
C: Both are fine.

★ 感動する
J: Well, it's "be very impressed."
J: Now, we wanna (want to) know what he or she is impressed with. So, "very impressed with the calligraphy."


8/17 - 8/19, 2020

遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, August 17

U R the ★
J: Wow!
C: Hmm... Nice!
KCJ: Perfect!

C: Ken?
K: Yes?
CJ: You are the star.
K: Yes, just for once.

K: Coming up is ...
CJ: Write it!
K: Get your pen ready.
CJ: Here we go!

Say It!
K: Carolyn, are you already five times in one breath?
C: Well, you know what I want to hear when I finish.
K: Yeah.
J: Um... "Well done"?
K: I think so.
C: Yay!
K: With the word "very," right?
C: Yes.
K: I know.
C: All right. I'll give it a shot.
K: All right.

C: Very impressive! ×5

KJ: Very impressive!
C: Oh, thanks.

J: All right.
C: Yeah.
KCJ: Very, very impressive!

Write It!
★ 2人は、とても大きな赤い提灯で有名な雷門に来ました
K: 「2人は雷門に来ました」は、They have come toでよろしいでしょうか?
C: Yeah, absolutely. I think there are two ways we can do this. Although there's probably more, but let's look at these two ways. The first way you mentioned, "They have come to Kminarimon."
K: OK.
C: And the second way we can use the be-verb, and to say that they are there at this moment in time, we can start with "now." So "Now they are at Kaminarimon."

K: 「とても大きな赤い提灯で有名な」はどこに入れましょう?
Where would throw this part of the sentence in this English sentence?

C: Well, yeah, you are right. It is really long, isn't it?
K: Yeah.
C: So we have the first part, which is "They have come to Kaminarimon."
K: Uh-huh.
C: And then we added "the part" at the end. And it will be "famous for its huge red lantern." But we can also use the pattern with "which." And in that case, it would be "which is famous for its huge red lantern." So the whole sentence is "They have come to Kaminarimon, which is famous for its huge red lantern."
K: I see.

K: Mariko explains Gordonでよろしいですか?
J: Well, that would mean that Mariko is explaining about Gordon.
K: Oh.
J: So if we're going to use the word "explains," we also have to use the word "to." "Mariko explains to Gordon 何々."
K: Oh, okay.
J: The other way of saying it is just simply "Mariko tells Gordon 何々."

★ 門にある2体の像が何を表しているのか
C: Well, this kind of connects to what Jeff was talking about, right?
K: Uh-huh.
C: It comes right after what Jeff was explaining.
K: OK.
C: So, Jeff's part was "Mariko explains to Gordon."
K: Uh-huh.
C: And then the explanation is "what the two statues at the gate represent." But we could also use "symbolize" here too, right?
K: Symbolize? Sure.
C: So in that case, it would be "what the two statues at the gate symbolize."


8/3 - 8/5 * 8/10 - 8/12, 2020

遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, August 3 & 11

U R the ★
KCJ: That was hot.

J: All right, Carolyn.
C: Uh-huh.
J: You are the star.
C: All right.

J: I see this green stuff is wasabi.
C: Yes, it's pretty hot.
J: It is?
C: Yes. Use it sparingly.
J: Too late. Woo ... Wow! But it's good.

Say It!
K: Carolyn, are you ready, five times in one breath?
C: Yeah. I think I am.
K: All right. Let's hear it.

C: What do we have here? ×5

K: Great!
CJ: You did a great job there.

Write It!
★ 食べている
K: eating でよろしいですか?
C: Well, it's grammatically correct. But don't you think it sounds just a little crass like maybe too descriptive of the action?

(crass = 露骨で下品な stupid and without considering how other people might feel)

C: So, usually, I would recommend using the verb "have." In this case, "having."

J: Right, right. Well, we are going to use the verb "tell" here. So, it's the pattern would be "tell someone to do something."
K: OK.
J: So, in this case, it's "Mariko tells Gordon to 何々."

★ 時遅し
C: It sounds pretty dramatic in Japanese, right?
K: Uh-huh.
C: So, in English, we wanted to bring the drama. "It's too late," or "too late."


7/27 - 7/29

遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, July 27

U R the ★
J: All right, Carolyn. You are the star.
C: All right.

C: Any preference for lunch?
J: How about some noodles?
C: Good. Let's go here then?
J: Yeah, let's. It looks good.
C: Yeah, it does.

Say It!
K: Jeff-san, five times in one breath.
J: Oh.
C: It's your specialty.
J: Yeah, I'm a "Say It" specialty kind of guy.
K: All right.

J: It's a tonkatsu specialty restaurant. ×5

K: I'm sure that made you hungry there.

CJ: That was special.

Write It!
★ 試す
C: I think ... we saw this verb used in the dialog. We want to use "try" here.
K: How about "eat"?
C: "Eat" isn't wrong grammatically, but it doesn't sound as natural to me as "try."
K: "Have" ... How about that?
C: Oh, that's a good point. "Have" is OK. But if we're gonna (going to) clarify, I think, "try" sounds probably the most natural.

(clarify = 明らかにする to make something clear or easier to understand by giving more details or a simpler explanation)

K: Mariko explains it でどうでしょう?
J: Well, it's not wrong, but people might wonder "explains what?"
K: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. "What is 'it'?"
J: That's right. So we are going to use that "Mariko explains what it is."

★ 彼は空腹になります
K: He gets hungry. でよろしいですか?
C: "He gets hungry." Umm... It's OK, but maybe her explanation is what makes him hungry.
K: Yeah, right.
C: So we want to write "that makes him hungry.


7/20 - 7/22

遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, July 20

K: Oh, he's getting hungry. Yeah?
J: Yeah. It's a miracle.
K: It is, isn't it?
C: Well, it didn't start off like a miracle, though. It started off a little sad.
J: Yeah.
C: He was ... The samurai wanted his silk, his beautiful silk.
J: Yeah.
K: Right.
C: So he took it. It wasn't really a fair deal to start with.
J: Uh-oh
K: It was a terrible scene.
C: Yeah.
K: Such a disappointment for the man.
C: I know. It seems like everything is going great, going great, going not so great.
K: No!
J: And yet...
K: Yes...
J: Even this might turn out to be better, I think.
K: Yeah, but the horse came back to life.
C: Yeah.
J: It was a miracle.

C: And the man is really kind, and he has a nice heart, and he didn't wanna (want to) leave the horse. He thought the horse was half dead. But...
J: Yeah, so he's gonna (going to) stay with him.
C: Yeah, he stayed with him, and took care of it, and...
K: He was praying for him.
C: Yeah.
J: And he prayed for him.
C: The horse opened its eyes, and came back to life.
K: And they went to this castle town.
C: Yeah. That's interesting.
K: And the first thing he said was "Let's find food.”
C: Yeah.
J: Let's find something to eat, yeah.
C: I think for both of them, right? Probably not just for the man, for the horse.
K: Yeah, not for the man. Yeah, we will know probably in the last act.
C: Yeah.
K: Where he would go for the food, for whom. We'll find out more about that person.
C: Yeah.

J: But I also wonder how he's going to obtain food because he doesn't have any money anymore.
K: True.
C: Oh!
J: So, that's gonna (going to) be interesting.
K: No silk.
C: Yeah.
J: No silk.
C: Just the horse.
J: Yeah.
C: Yeah.

★ Questions
K: OK, here is the first question for Jeff, this time.
J: Uh-huh. OK.
K: Who did the man meet after he helped out the young woman?

K: Jeff?
J: A samurai with a half-dead horse.
K: So it's a half-dead horse.
C: Yeah.
J: Uh-huh.
K: That was with the samurai.
C: Yeah.
J: I have my suspicious … I think the horse was playing dead. Because it didn't like the samurai. Because he was mean.

C: Well, I think the samurai says, "He is not dead, he is just resting." Doesn't he say that?
J: Yes, "Far from it."
C: Yeah, he's a little tired.
J: He's just resting. That's right.
C: So maybe it was an act by the horse.
J: Maybe. Yeah.


7/13 - 7/16, 2020

遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, July 13

C: Wow! That was pretty amazing. The Goddess sounded a little scary.
K: Yeah, she started "Psst!"
C: Yeah.
K: That was funny.

K: So to begin the beginning…
C: Yeah.
J: Uh-huh.
K: A long, long time ago…
C: Yes.
K: … this man was very poor and unlucky.
J: Uh-huh.
K: … goes to a temple and for the last time, he prays to Kan-non sama.
C: Yes.
J: Yeah. What's he got to lose, right?
C: And he prays very hard.
J: Yes. All-day long.
K: Oh, wow! And finally, he hears this voice.
J: Finally.

C: She was very quiet at first, wasn't she? She says "Psst!"
J: I guess that's a kind of a way of saying "Hey, you!"
K: And then she starts talking to the man.
C: Yes.
J: Her prophecy is that he is going to have some luck from now on.

(prophecy = 予言 a prediction of what will happen in the future)

K: Oh, good.
J: Uh-huh.
C: But he has to follow exactly what she says though.
J: Right.
C: He has to go to sleep, right?
J: Uh-huh.
C: And then he is going to wake up ...
J: ... in the morning and leaves the building.
C: And then he is going to trip and fall.
J: "Story of my life," he says.
K: OK.
C: Um... But what she ... so she says when he trips he'll grab something.
J: Uh-huh.
C: Right? (I / We) don't know what. Right? We don't know what he is going to grab. But... and he can't let go.
K: I see.
J: Hmm...
C: He has to hold on to it.


7/6 - 7/8

遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, July 6

U R the ★
CJ: That was hot.

C: Alrighty, Jeff, you are the star.
J: All right.

C: I'm getting nowhere with these rice balls.
J: They look fine.
C: The rice is so hot.
J: I'll take over now.
C: Thanks. You're a lifesaver.

Say It!
K: Jeff-san...
J: Uh-huh.
K: Five times in one breath.
J: I should be pretty good at this. I spill things all the time.
K: OK. Let's hear it.

J: Timmy spilled a lot of cinnamon! ×5

K: Great! Thank you for spilling the beans. 

(spill the beans = to tell people secret 秘密を漏らす)

J: All right.
C: Yay!
KCJ: That was a lot of fun.

Write It!
★ AがBにCさせてあげます
C: Well, we want to express permission here or more precisely giving someone permission to do something.

(precisely = 正確に exactly, quite, absolutely, right)

K: Uh-huh.
C: So I recommend using the pattern, "A lets B, C." And the C here is what they are allowed to do. So it'll be, "A man lets his children make French toast."

★ 彼が引き受けなければなりません
K: must でどうでしょう?
J: Um... "Must" is not wrong, but it's a little too strong. "I 'must' take over." It sounds almost animated. So we're going to use the phrase "has to 何々."
